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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Dog of Peace

Back in 1961, Pablo Picasso drew this iconic image, “The Dove of Peace”:

Pablo Picasso: The Dove of Peace

Fifty years later the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, creator of the infamous Modoggies, has made his own contribution to the cause of world peace by drawing another peace-loving animal, “The Dog of Peace”:

Lars Vilks: The Dog of Peace (small)
(Click to enlarge)

The occasion for this latest work is today’s announcement that Mr. Vilks has been nominated for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. The drawing above is his depiction of the Peace Dog with Picasso’s olive branch, standing outside the Rådhus in Oslo, ready to receive the prize.

Below is a news report on this historic occasion from UPA:

Lars Vilks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

By Oleg Shabazz Eriksson
Staff Writer, Universal Press Association

Oslo, 1 April 2011 (UPA) — The Ladonia-based Lars Vilks Defense Offense Committee circulated a release today stating that the beleaguered Swedish artist had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Since he first published his drawings of “The Prophet as a Roundabout Dog” in 2007, Mr. Vilks has been repeatedly harassed, threatened, and assaulted. He has also been the target of an assassination conspiracy that included the infamous “Jihad Jane” as one of its alleged conspirators. Despite all these hardships, he has remained dedicated to the cause.

“The basis for Lars Vilks’ Nobel nomination has been his remarkable success in furthering the causes of peace and human rights,” stated the release from his support group.

According to the website for the five-member Nobel Peace Prize Committee, which is located in Oslo, Norway, their letters of nomination, names of nominees, and other information about nominations cannot be revealed to the public for 50 years. The committee reportedly sends out 1,000 letters each year inviting qualified people to submit their nominations.

“Even though the nominations are not revealed, we have it upon good authority that Lars was nominated this year,” his cousin and chairperson of the LV-DOC, Tamika Lateef Carlsson, told UPA.

The Nobel committee will cut their list to 10 names later this month, and will announce the winner in mid-October. Ms. Carlsson said they have not been told if Mr. Vilks has made it to the short-list. “We’ve never been able to find that out,” she said.

A 2010 letter to the Norwegian Institute from a former member of the Ladonian Parliament, Osvald Lagerhus, has surfaced on the Ladonian Independence Movement (LIM) website in support of the artist’s nomination: “The Nobel Peace Prize in my view is the only key that can fit the lock to rehabilitate Lars Vilks. All the aboriginal artists of Ladonia await his elevation.”

The LIM website mentions several projects that Mr. Vilks has worked on since going into seclusion nearly four years ago, such as playing a role in getting people from different genders and species to come together as he advocates for peaceful resolution of all artistic issues.

It is also estimated that Mr. Vilks has raised millions for charities through sales of his art work.

In his 2009 manifesto “Writings from Ladonia: My Life is my Lawn Chair,” Mr. Vilks states: “We are all in this together — the rich, the poor, the dogs, the pigs, the Red, the White, the Pink, the Green, and the Purple. I believe in the good of all animal kind.”

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/31/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/31/2011Bashar Al Assad, the celebrated (by Hillary Clinton) “reformer” of Syria, has decided not do any reforming after all, at least not yet. He declined to rescind the country’s state of emergency, and his security forces are continuing their violent suppression of street demonstrations against the regime.

Meanwhile, the rebels in Libya are retreating from an offensive by forces loyal to Col. Moamar Qadafi, who have retaken several cities in the last two days. Reports from Tripoli say that a NATO bomb attack killed at least 40 civilians.

In other news, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump says the world has a Muslim problem.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, Nilk, Paul Green, Steen, Takuan Seiyo, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Lighting Out for Lampedusa

Lampedusa: boatload of refugees

I posted last weekend about the ongoing refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, which was triggered by the recent upheavals and rebellions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.

The brunt of the exodus from the Maghreb is being borne by Italy, with most of the migration flow landing on the shores of Lampedusa, and, to a lesser extent, Sicily.

Lampedusa map

According to AGI, at least 423,000 people have fled from Libya since the uprising began, with 20,000 more departing every day. The majority of these refugees end up in Egypt or Tunisia, and most of the rest escape to adjacent countries south of the Sahara. However, an estimated 2,000 have crossed the Mediterranean to Malta and Lampedusa.

The new wave of migrants from Libya can only be expected to increase. The Libyans are being added to an already overwhelming refugee crisis on the island of Lampedusa, where 6,000 to 10,000 refugees have accumulated in the last several weeks, arriving too suddenly to be processed quickly and shipped off to other parts of Italy.

The situation on Lampedusa has become so grave that Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi felt compelled to visit the island and reassure the residents that the crisis would be addressed promptly, and that most of the refugees would be removed within two to five days. Sure enough, 1,700 Tunisians were carried by boat today from Lampedusa to Manduria. Additional batches of Tunisians will reportedly be relocated to the refugee camp at Ventimiglia, near the border with France. Migrants held at the Ventimiglia camp routinely escape and attempt to cross into France.

Mr. Berlusconi has complained to the Tunisian government that escaped Tunisian prisoners are among the arrivals at Lampedusa, posing as refugees.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Up until now, Italy has faced the refugee crisis virtually alone. France turns back any refugees that attempt to cross the border, and has warned the Italians not to prevent them from returning to Italy. The EU has repeatedly promised financial help, but says it can do little else. According to the EU’s immigration affairs chief, Cecilia Malmstrom, the EU wants its member states to help, but cannot compel them:

(AGI) Brussels - EU member states must step up efforts to help Italy cope with the immigration emergency. The EU’s immigration affairs chief, Cecilia Malmstrom, said that the EU countries must step up efforts to help Italy cope with the massive influx of migrants who have fled unrest in North Africa. “EU states want to show solidarity, then they have to make this solidarity a reality “ Malmstrom said. Then, she added: “The European Commission can only encourage them. It cannot force states to take in people”.

Remember: this is the European Union we’re talking about — a huge authoritarian bureaucracy that assigns the size of doughnut holes and the density of cheeses. It can force its member states to restrict the height of signage, but it can’t force them to accept refugees…?

Funnily enough, however, it can force them not to turn away migrants, as Brussels has repeatedly reminded Italy. It can also mandate in exact detail how the refugees are to be treated.

Today Ms. Malmstrom promised new talks and more “help”, but this is all that Italy can expect for the foreseeable future. The Italians are unhappy with the situation, and have responded by daring to mention the “R” word — repatriation:

(ANSAmed) - ROME, MARCH 31 - The migrants who have arrived in Italy “must be repatriated to Tunisia or distributed among other European countries,” said Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on the eve of a cabinet meeting on the emergency situation as concerns immigration.

The head of Italy’s foreign office underscored the “scandalous” nature of the lack of solidarity shown by European countries, including those to which many Tunisians would like to go. A lack of solidarity shown by, “to begin with France,” a country to which the minister yesterday accused of rejecting Tunisians and sending them back to Italy at the Ventimiglia border crossing.

Mr. Frattini is at pains to emphasize that despite the EU’s human rights laws, the proposed repatriations will be forced:

(ANSA) - Rome, March 31 - Thousands of Tunisian migrants who have landed in Italy following unrest in North Africa may be forcibly repatriated unless the burden of hosting them is shared with other European nations, the Italian government said Thursday.

“They must be repatriated or distributed around other European countries,” Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said in a telephone interview with a TV show following the arrival of around 20,000 mostly Tunisians this year.

He added that the hypothesis of “forced repatriation is an extreme measure but it cannot be excluded”. The minister then repeated his criticism of the “flagrant” lack of solidarity Italy’s European neighbours had displayed in failing to help with the migrant crisis in a significant way, “starting with France” after it blocked thousands of Tunisian migrants at the French-Italian border.

And the destinations for the relocated migrants are causing internal political problems in Italy:

Interior Ministry Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano tended his resignation Wednesday evening in protest at the number of migrants being moved near his home in the southern town of Manduria and several protests were staged in the areas of migrant camps in other parts of Italy. Frattini, meanwhile, added that an agreement struck last week with the Tunisian government to stop the wave of migrants from there in exchange for Italian resources, training and credit was starting to bear fruit.

Some of the new arrivals will be consigned to the care of the Northern League:

(AGI) Rome - Maroni has said all regions, except for Abruzzo, including those governed by the Northern League, must host immigrants. After a Cabinet meeting held today, Roberto Maroni said, “Should Tunisia take back three, four or five thousand Tunisians, we will not have a problem. Should this not happen, the plan is ready and no one can avoid helping in managing this emergency, including regions in the north and those governed by the Northern league.”

And there has been trouble at the detention center in Turin:

(AGI) Turin - Immigrants hurled plastic bottles, shouted and caused damage at the Turin detention centre last night. At around twenty past midnight, immigrants being held at the centre mounted a loud and unruly protest, during the course of which bottles were hurled at staff and one of the housing units was damaged as well as a bathroom door. Things got back to normal around 2.30. The Police are currently ascertaining who was to blame for the unrest and the ensuring damage.

The migration crisis in Italy is only just beginning. As the civil war continues, more Libyan refugees can be expected, and renewed turmoil in Tunisia or Egypt could add to the flow of new migrants. The total number of migrants is expected to reach the hundreds of thousands before long.

If the EU continues to drag its feet, and refuses to share the burden with Italy, what will happen to the much-vaunted unity of the EU?

What will become of the “ever-closer union”?

Hat tips: Insubria, C. Cantoni.

First time in 3 years.

I got my first appointment to consult the doctor at 11.15am this morning.

it pretty "COOL" the doctor put a stick and stuck it into my ear.

and HOLY S. It was freaking HORRIBLE!

and .. = =..

I still half deaf and cough like a cow now.

well, I forgot the get the medical certificate from the doctor,

then i need to stay in the library to wait their call. = = ...

and the "Coolest" thing was.

I don't even sure that I can get the medical certificate or not. - -..

Well, still waiting them to give me a call about go to the health center and pick the medical certificate up.

I still need to go pharmacy to get all those medicine later.

If they don't phone me until 2.15pm.

I'm going home and buy the 2 kind of medicine while I'm on the way driving home.

Keep raining for the day.

The rain is like never end.


So cold.

Not-So-Subtle Electioneering on Finnish State TV

The Finnish state TV network YLE decided to air a documentary on “populism” in Europe — you know, those dangerous neo-Nazis, fascists, racists, and xenophobes, people like you and me. And they just happened to broadcast it two weeks in advance of the next election.

A mere coincidence, mind you.

KGS summarizes what the documentary had to say at Tundra Tabloids. The bolded lines are quotes from the program. See the original article for screen caps and links:

How timely of them.

The first half of the 55 minute documentary, Populisitien Eurooppa, (viewable until 6.4.2011) sets the stage and tempo with the Hungarian Jobbik movement, who really are indeed, statist, ultra-nationalist Socialists. The Jobbik though, are still classified in the film as being “right-wing”, a highly superficial and nefarious label if there ever was one.

From there it touched briefly on Romania and then on to the Netherlands, where Geert Wilders is featured prominently, and in the TT’s opinion, one of the main targets of the documentary. However, it actually contained some good exchanges with both politicians, academics and people on the street, of whom the latter came across rather well.

Clearly though, the voice over of Geert Wilders’ giving his speech in Copenhagen at the Danish Free Press Society, while panning the streets of Amsterdam filled with Muslims was meant to convey a more sinister message.

The more Islam we have, the less freedom we have.

We have to be tough to criminals, we have to expel criminal foreigners,-

The real message wanting to be relayed by the YLE crew, was that “populists”, regardless of the validity of some of their points, were needlessly spreading hate and fear, while the Left are stumped what to do about it since they are the ones who created the mess in the first place.

Oh yes, we “populists” are definitely the ones spreading all the hate and fear.

The representatives of the Religion of Peace would never ever do that. Not Mohammed Atta, nor Taimour Abdulwahab al Abdaly. Nor Maj. Nidal Hasan. Not even Arif Uka.

No, those luminaries just spread mass murder, maiming, and mayhem. But no “hate” or “fear”. Only Islamophobes do that.

KGS continues:
Here an Iranian immigrant, obviously secular, a socialist, and playing up the fear, topped it off with the statement that she’s leaving the country due to the racism of the present day Danish society. She’s seen watching Geert Wilders’ speech in Copenhagen on a laptop provided by the Finnish YLE documentary crew.

I congratulate Pia and Morten Messerschmidt with their success

There was also a brief appearance of Kent Ekeroth, a Sweden Democrats politician and good friend of the Tundra Tabloids, who I know for a fact has no problem with law abiding, loyal-to-the-state-of-Sweden immigrants. What he has a problem with however, is the ideology of Islam, deeming it contrary to European values.

Having the expectation of foreigners giving common courtesy and respect to both Swedish culture and its traditions for accepting them into the country and taking them as citizens, is not asking too much.

Kent Ekeroth: “We share core values about fighting against Islamization and opposing Turkey’s accession to the European Union.” (Note: The Finnish text says “We fight against Islam and…”)

Read the rest at Tundra Tabloids.

KGS predicts that YLE, by attempting to discredit the True Finns, may very well help them succeed in the upcoming elections.

Let’s hear it for state television!

Eat the Rich!

Bill Whittle channels Iowahawk in the following video about sticking it to the “rich” in order to enact Barack Hussein Obama’s very expensive agenda for the United States during the coming year.

Iowahawk and Mr. Whittle use the demagoguery of Jabba the Hutt Michael Moore as the jumping-off point for a scheme to soak the rich and pay for Hope ’n’ Change in America:

Hat tip: Wally Ballou.

Another final for Rob Smith

Rob Smith reached the final of the last Singapore Satellite. Rob lost to Yusni Den Mulia (1-2) in the last game.

Australian players in the FISTF world rankings

Here are the australian players in the world rankings of March 2011:154 SMITH Robert ; 662 THOMAS Peter ; 932 KENNEDY Eliot ; 1108 CREDENTINO Tony ; 1109 DETTRE Steve ; 1212 BALL Jon ; 1213 GANNON Scott ; 1214 PALAMARA John ; 1216 NEWTON Mike.

Chelsea Artist Football Wallpaper

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Frank Lampard Wallpaper
Chelsea football

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Drogba Wallpaper

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Strawhat Mugirawa Pirate Wallpaper

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Appearance One Piece Strong World
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One Piece Wallpaper
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strawhat mugiwara pirate one piece strongworld wallpaper
Funny One Piece Wallpaper
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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/30/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/30/2011While the major players in the NATO coalition debated whether or not to arm the Libyan rebels, Col. Ghaddafi’s forces retook the town of Ras Lanuf, which had been in rebel hands for a while. The Al Qaeda presence among the rebels is reportedly growing, and several hundred Libyan mujahideen fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan are reportedly making their way back to Libya to join the fighting.

Meanwhile, North African refugees who have escaped from holding camps in Italy are trying to cross the border into France, to join their relatives there. The French, however, are watching the border closely, and have been turning back any undocumented migrants, no matter what stories they tell.

In other news, levels of radioactive iodine found in seawater just outside the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan are more than 4,000 times greater that the maximum amount that is considered safe.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, KGS, Nilk, Prospero, Steen, Takuan Seiyo, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

A Luton Update from Tommy Robinson

Luton anti-EDL vandals #1

As has often been pointed out in this space, the most important theater of the Counterjihad struggle is the ongoing information war. Although we can whup the enemy’s fundament on any conventional battlefield, we are currently being defeated, because Islam is winning the information war hands-down.

Right now The English Defence League is the biggest threat to the Jihad in Britain — and possibly in all of Europe. By exposing the truth about Islam, the EDL is awakening the average native English citizen to what Islamization really means.

Islam cannot succeed in the long term if this education process continues, so Muslim zealots — and their allies on the hard Left — are determined to subvert and distort the image of the EDL, thereby neutralizing the message it conveys.

The preferred technique is to cement in the eyes of the general public the idea that the EDL is a “racist”, “Nazi”, and “fascist” organization made up of violent lower-class hooligans. The latest examples of this information war in action are a series of vandalism and arson attacks on private homes in Luton that are meant to look like the work of the EDL, or to be targeting the EDL, or both.

If these attacks succeed in their purpose, the EDL will be discredited and its members intimidated — a twofer for the Great Jihad.

The following article about the situation by EDL leader Tommy Robinson was published tonight on the English Defence League website (see the original article for links to full-size versions of the photos):

Since we held our extremely success full demonstration in Luton the town is alive with positive talk among the local people about the EDL. People were expecting a bloodbath, a bunch of rowdy thugs out to fight and riot with the Islamic community. Well that was the hype anyway — or should I say “Hope” for some? Of course, that’s not what we delivered.

The level of opposition that we encounter from every angle is astounding when you think about it. The aggressors and idiots who try to provoke and attack us come from the Islamic community, from the deluded and often riotous militant-Left brigade... and let’s not forget the real “far right” — those white supremacist dinosaurs. And of course there are many other bands of various misfits.

The point is we have survived many attacks, and we have become bigger, better and more organised than people give us credit for. Our opponents know this, so their actions become more and more extreme. This is exactly what we have seen in Luton since the demo.

Some people just can’t accept any positive media about the EDL, they can’t accept anything less than a sensationalist or even manufactured headline that paints us in the very worst light imaginable. That is how scared these people are about our message. They are so scared that we are gaining ground that they will do anything they can to turn the screw on us. They know that with growing mainstream support, not just with the working class but with middle England too, we are becoming their worst nightmare. To counter our success it takes something drastic. Desperate times mean desperate measures.

One example that comes to mind is when Socialist Worker reported that Bolton Mosque had been attacked on the eve of our demonstration in the city. They made it really clear that we were almost definitely to blame. But, of course, the incident had nothing to do with the EDL — and the police were all too happy to make this clear to the local community.

But this sort of thing is happening daily — our opponents reporting their own prejudiced assumptions as if they were unbiased news stories.

Why do some people still believe that the EDL racist? Because that’s what they really want to believe! They want us to be the bad guys, and for everyone else to believe that too, because perhaps then people won’t realise how clueless groups like Socialist Worker and the UAF really are.

They accuse us of dividing communities. How? By telling the truth? We encourage an open debate, we educate our members. They keep talking about giving ‘no platform’ and ‘smashing’ the EDL. They accuse us of things without any evidence, and they continue to tell people that we’re racists despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Which group is really dividing communities?

Luton anti-EDL vandals #2

Anyway, here’s the latest example from Luton showing the desperate measures our opponents are willing to take...

Very recently people’s houses and property have been subjected to attack, their property vandalised, and then the letters ‘EDL’ daubed on a door, a window, a wall. The obvious intention is not only to intimidate, but to make the public associate the EDL with criminal behaviour, vandalism and destruction of property. Who would want to align with an organisation like that? Joe Public won’t get on board when we are seen as the aggressors, and it’s very much in our opponents’ interests to make sure that happens — whatever the cost.

In the first week after the demo in Luton there were 8 attacks that I know of. 4 attacks happened in the same road. It all started with yellow spray paint graffiti. Then the council offices were attacked and blame was aimed at the EDL. Now things have advanced somewhat. We’re seeing cars being burned out — 7 have been set on fire in the last week alone — each a random victim on different estates.

I was told that there had been an attack on a house that I used to live in so, of course, I had to find out what happened. What you see in the above picture is the house next door. The car had been set on fire and vandalised. Notice the EDL painted on the door to make this look either like a warning or a claim.

Luckily the car was not a petrol motor or it could have exploded and ripped through the house, possibly killing or injuring the family inside. Still, the flames did reach the house, and could have set light to the wooden facias. This is a family with kids for God’s sake! This bloke and his family have had absolutely nothing to do with the EDL, but now he’s a victim because of it? What kind of a message is that?

I did speak with the bloke whose house it is and he was really upset, and rightly so. I had to think what I’d be like if that happened to me, I felt really bad for him, and partly responsible. But then I thought, well why should I feel responsible? I didn’t do this, the EDL didn’t do this, someone else did, and that’s a fact.

Obviously it was not anything to do with the EDL, perhaps it was meant to intimidate me? I don’t know and I can’t be certain but what I can be certain of is that members of the black community also had their properties vandalised and the letters EDL daubed on the scene. Then recently as just a couple of days ago in fact, a couple of local Muslims come up to me and asked why had their cars been burned out and torched outside their house? I said I didn’t know, again I know it wasn’t anything to do with the EDL. Something just wasn’t right so I went to Bedfordshire Police and said something had to be done because it looks as though someone is doing this to cause a war.

The dirty war is one where hands don’t need to be dirtied at all. Some people will use opposing sides to clash, to cause some kind of violent anarchistic revolution, because that’s obviously what these people want. What I’d say to Bedfordshire Police is to keep looking to the militant left rather than the so-called “far right”.

Luton anti-EDL vandals #3

I’m glad to say that Bedfordshire Police have now arrested someone in connection to these attacks. They have confirmed that the person arrested has no connections to the EDL at all. However, we want to know who this person is, who this person was working for, and what his religious and political associations are.

So far there have been around 25 attacks that I can say I know of. It’s a small miracle our communities have not reacted to these attacks as yet. Let’s hope whoever is responsible for this is swiftly brought to justice.

This is a very dirty war make no bones about it. Please be vigilant, stay strong and never ever surrender!

— Tommy Robinson

Lies, Damned Lies, and the Anti-Defamation League

David Yerushalmi is an accomplished and dedicated attorney who has done tireless work, much of it pro bono, for various anti-sharia legal initiatives. He works closely with Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller on legal issues concerning their activism against the Islamization of America.

Abe Foxman, the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — a notoriously hard-left organization, ostensibly advocating for American Jews — has recently taken against Mr. Yerushalmi.

Alyssa Lappen, an author who writes for the American Thinker, the New English Review, and various other publications, has written an open letter to Mr. Foxman, challenging him for his shunning of David Yerushalmi:

Dear Mr. Foxman,

I am absolutely appalled that ADL has smeared the name of a reputable attorney, David Yerushalmi alongside others who, unlike him, are indeed egregious in word and deed.

Attorney Yerushalmi was rankly faulted in a terribly unprofessional article some weeks ago. In my opinion, as a journalist of 35 years experience, this is a case in which he was genuinely libeled and I certainly hope he intends to sue. I believe he has a cause of action.

As you know, libel in America consists of stating something inaccurate (often intentionally) — and with purposeful malice. The article I note above contained no facts on which to base its opinions, and malice virtually dripped from the prose. In recent years, journalists have often made me ashamed of my lifelong profession, but this piece took the cake and the frosting as well. If it had any role, partial or otherwise, in your determination to add Mr. Yerushalmi to a list of hate-mongers, I would urge you to reconsider.

I have spoken with Mr. Yerushalmi as a source and find him one of the most precise attorneys I know. His information is absolutely credible. He thoroughly and exactly cites many Islamic law texts. He is never inaccurate. Never. He is certainly not the hateful man that you paint him.

Perhaps you are unaware that the national leadership of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), on the other hand, has repeatedly been identified by federal law-enforcement officials to have had links with terrorist organizations. This occurred in Nov. 2008 with the Holy Land Foundation Hamas and terror-financing case. The government obtained 108 unanimous verdicts on ALL 108 terror-financing, money laundering and tax fraud charges leveled against five HLF officers. Some of the funds they sent to Hamas had washed through CAIR accounts, proven by canceled check copies.

Federal evidence was again cited in the civil suit by the family of David Boim in the Chicago 7th Circuit Court of Appeals against the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) — CAIR’s predecessor and co-founder — in Dec. 2008. The federal judge in that case ruled that the CAIR predecessor — namely the IAP — was indeed inseparable from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim American Society and he held their agents responsible, fully and finally, for the $156 million judgment in the Boim’s case against them. Thus $156 million less is now available to fund Hamas terrorism.

Then in October 2010, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled that hundreds of individuals and organizations named as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation case — including CAIR — would not be delisted as unindicted co-conspirators, due to the preponderance of evidence against them. CAIR knew and knows that the evidence against its leadership and several CAIR chapters is indeed so strong that it could never have won an appeal, and did not even try. An appeal was filed by another North American Muslim Brotherhood organization with which you may not be familiar, the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

It is a travesty that you brand as a hatemonger a man legitimately attempting — via the U.S. courts — to legally defeat efforts of the above groups, among others, to increasingly impose Islamic law through secular U.S. civil courts and institutions. Unfortunately, the encroachment of these laws is not a “theory” but is a well-established fact.

In Florida, in the last few weeks, a judge ruled that a mosque must — under secular U.S. laws — follow sharia to resolve an internal dispute between members. Those suing came to America to ESCAPE sharia law. Yet now a U.S. court has ordered them to adhere to it. They will appeal this egregious decision, rightfully so.

A New Jersey judge ruled some months ago that a man who had badly beaten his wife had the right to do so, since sharia condones this practice. Fortunately, that decision was reversed on appeal.

In Massachusetts, about four years ago, the ACLU motioned for dismissal of criminal charges against three terrorists who fraudulently obtained charitable tax-exempt status to fund suicide murder. Sharia law requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their wealth annually to charity (zakat); funding jihad and jihad fighters are covered by several of eight religiously mandated means to allocate annual zakat payments. The ACLU cited these facts in its motion, arguing that raising monies to fund jihad, fraudulently or otherwise, is Constitutionally protected religious practice under the First Amendment. Fortunately, the federal district justices in Worcester, Ma. denied this motion point blank.

Do you suppose that any of the above instances are part, at best, of some wildly imaginative conspiracy theory? I assure you the ACLU motion to protect the religious freedom of fraudulently collected “tax-exempt” funds for jihad was quite real. I held and read the motion in my own hands, and reported on the case. The argument was all too real — albeit surreal.

Mr. Foxman, contrary to your claims in the ADL commentary on Mr. Yerushalmi, these cases are not the figment of some lunatic’s mind. Unfortunately, in fact, dozens of similar such cases nationwide demonstrate an orchestrated attempt to inject Islamic law into the U.S. secular legal codes, both on state and national levels. In those cases that the goals are achieved, these sharia laws provide exceptions for Muslims alone — to legal standards normally considered foundational to Western civilization — on a vast array of points and issues.

Another difficulty is that, unlike other kinds of religious law, sharia law is composed largely of edicts and regulations to be imposed upon non-Muslims. If it is allowed to continue to its logical terminus, therefore, the only possible conclusion of this trend would be complete decimation of all manner of constitutionally protected freedoms, including freedom of speech, “out of religious respect.” Consider the case of Uganda. Yes indeed, Idi Amin was educated in Saudi Arabia and ultimately he fled to and died there. While this aspect of Amin’s history was barely reported, he hoped to impose sharia law on Uganda. Let us recall the genocidal results.

Certainly we can demand respect for all faiths, without disallowing any criticism whatever. Look, for example, at your own criticism of Mel Gibson’s film on Christ. No one branded you a hatemonger. You merely expressed your opinion as a matter of constitutionally-protected free speech. And so it should be with all faiths — including Mohammed, Islam and sharia. How on earth can people learn any of its dark aspects if no one is allowed to speak on the subject without merciless and baseless accusations of hate mongering like those you leveled in this case.

You may recall Wafa Sultan, who lived under sharia, and spoke quite plainly against sharia and Islamic precepts on Al Jazeera, shocking the Arab and Muslim worlds. She has now done so in America too.

I would think you’d support the Freedom Pledge that Dr. Sultan and her other fearless Former Muslims United co-founders — including Nonie Darwish, who lost her father to a suicide “martyr” mission — have sent to dozens of Muslim leaders across the U.S. They ask these leaders to pledge to protect religious freedom of apostates to Islam, namely to promise to openly oppose fatwas calling for apostates’ deaths, and do everything else possible to protect their freedoms from medieval — not to say unconstitutional and illegal — practices like the Islamic death penalty for public abandonment of faith. Only two Muslims have signed, God bless them both. That is no figment of imagination, either, nor are the fatwas calling for their deaths.

Florida U.S. Rep., Ret. Col. Allen West agrees with Mr. Yerushalmi — that sharia proponents have put America’s secular laws under attack for years now and, via the judiciary, have already had considerable success eroding them. Having served two tours of duty in Iraq, Rep. West is familiar with the Islamic laws and has seen them in action on the ground.

That ADL is unaware of any of the above noted facts does not render “hate-mongers” of those Americans who pay keen attention to their surroundings and do not share your complacency.

Once upon a time, the ADL did excellent work to combat anti-Semitism, which of course was its founding mission. Here, the ADL has apparently taken the side of organizations that for decades have expressed zealous anti-Semitism, hatred of Jews and hatred of Israel — and indeed of the very concept (much less existence) of a Jewish state. They have done so both through their words at private organizational conferences, and writings in organizational publications and pseudo-academic journals — and with their money, for suicide bombers, in Jerusalem and Israel, among other things.

It is easy to find such statements and positions from their leadership over the last 30 years, and recently too. For years, dozens of hard-working non-profit organizations have researched these organizations to expose them. In several terrorism and related cases, the federal government has prevailed partly on the basis of their solid, professional research. That is but one way in which individuals dangerous to America (and Israel) were convicted of terror-related crimes, deported for fraudulent immigration applications or both.

Furthermore, in part, you label David Yerushalmi “extremist” for asking that the U.S. actually enforce existing immigration laws. You may not like it, but that is a legitimate political viewpoint, for legal reasons of course, but also for humanitarian considerations. It is certainly not grounds for the juvenile name-calling the ADL issued in this case. Actually, “undocumented workers” very often suffer horrendous landlord and employment abuses — and the highest rate of criminal assault, theft, fraud and so on targeting any population. For among those “undocumented workers” live tens of thousands of criminals. Indeed, several 9/11 hijackers were what some might, ten years later, call “undocumented workers.”

Taken together, these two positions in the ADL frontal attack on David Yerushalmi sadly suggest that the organization now opposes those who want only to uphold existing U.S. laws — legally, I might add — yet agrees with groups that regularly break U.S. laws, verbally and financially support anti-Semitism and terror, and have already in effect funded dozens of murders, perhaps even hundreds.

Agreed, there have been Jewish extremists. But they are very few and far between. More importantly, David Yerushalmi is not one of these. I think you do great disservice to the Anti-Defamation League and the time-honored fights against anti-Semitism and racism by siding with extreme, radical, hateful, proven terror-supporting organizations. They are intent upon demolishing his good name — and that of anyone else daring to criticize them or their agenda, much less their precepts of faith and religious law — and thereby to intimidate the American press and leadership into silence. Surely you should recognize this as the tactic of brown shirts.

Opposing the emergence of sharia law in American public life hardly exemplifies racism, or extremism. It is merely an effort to maintain and enforce the Constitutional separation of church and state, based on sad and very real experience over the last decade in particular.

Moreover, it is the earnest effort of many concerned minorities who ought to be ADL’s natural allies — former Sudanese slaves, former Muslims fearful for their lives (even in America), Maronite Christians, Hindus whose temples have been smashed by the thousands, Coptic Christians with families suffering mass slaughter (hundreds burned, alive, in churches), now, in Egypt and on and on.

Yet you attack Mr. Yerushalmi as an extremist.

Shame on you. Shame!

I read your mother’s oral history and am fortunate to have known and to know other survivors of the Vilna ghetto and Stutthoff, generally unknown death camps in its orbit and death marches. They bestowed a sacred blessing and this indelible lesson, to speak out, not to remain silent. Your mother, I think, did not save you from the Holocaust to do something so atrocious as this.

Best regards,

Alyssa A. Lappen
Investigative journalist and poet

CC: U.S. Rep. Allen West
CC: Diana West, Syndicated columnist
CC: Andrew McCarthy, Columnist and former U.S. Attorney
CC: Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Cong. Mount Sinai and President, New York Board of Rabbis
CC: Jeffrey Weinsenfeld, Philanthropist and Trustee
CC: Debra Burlingame, Co-founder, 9/11 Families
CC: Tim Brown, Co-founder, 9/11 Families
CC: Editor in Chief, Jewish World Review
CC: Gary Rosenblatt, Jewish Week
CC: Matthew RJ Brodsky, Editor, InFocus, Jewish Policy Center
CC: Rick Greenfield, Editor, Jewish Ledger
CC: Susan Rosenbluth, Editor, Jewish Voice and Opinion
CC: Steven Baum, Editor, Journal for the Study of Antisemitism

The Beat Goes On

Free Geert banner

The trial of PVV leader Geert Wilders on charges of discrimination and incitement to hatred has been on hold for the last two months as Mr. Wilders’ lawyer wrangled with the court over various procedural motions. Now it appears that the last obstacle has been removed, and the trial will resume.

According to NIS News:

Wilders Trial to Continue as Court Rejects Defence Objections

THE HAGUE, 31/03/11 - The criminal case against MP Geert Wilders is going ahead as planned. The district court in Amsterdam yesterday rejected virtually all the technical objections put forward by Wilders’ lawyer Bram Moszkowicz. On one point, however, he got his way.

The lawyer had wanted the Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) to be declared inadmissible, which would have meant the end of the court case. But the court ruled that the OM had the right to prosecute Wilders for incitement to hatred and discrimination and defamation of certain groups including Moroccans. The OM cannot however prosecute Wilders for comparisons that he has made between Islam and Fascism, according to the court.

Another district court previously ruled that the OM must prosecute the MP - the OM itself did not want to do this because it did not consider he had broken the law at any point whatever. This verdict however gave no scope for including a particular statement by Wilders in the charges. This was the sentence: “I have had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: Ban that Fascist book.”

MPs enjoy no immunity from prosecution for statements they make outside parliament. Moszkowicz considered they do. He also argued without any result that the court case, if it was then tried after all, should been tried in The Hague instead of Amsterdam.

Hat tip: Fjordman.

Time to Unmask Muhammad

Below is an English translation of an op-ed by Geert Wilders that was published today in HP/De Tijd. Many thanks to the PVV for sending it.

Time to Unmask Muhammad
By Geert Wilders

To know why Islam is a mortal danger one must not only consider the Koran but also the character of Muhammad, who conceived the Koran and the entirety of Islam.

The Koran is not just a book. Muslims believe that Allah himself wrote it and that it was dictated to Muhammad in the original version, the Umm al-Kitab, which is kept on a table in heaven. Consequently one cannot argue with the contents. Who would dare to disagree with what Allah himself has written? This explains much of Muhammadan behaviour, from the violence of jihad to the hatred and persecution of Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims and apostates. What we in the West regard as abnormal, is perfectly normal for Islam.

A second insuperable problem with Islam is the figure of Muhammad. He is not just anyone. He is al-insan al-kamil, the perfect man. To become a Muslim one must pronounce the Shahada (the Muslim creed). By pronouncing the Shahada one testifies that there is no god that can be worshipped except Allah, and one testifies that Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

The Koran, and hence Allah, lays down that Muhammad’s life must be imitated. The consequences of this are horrendous and can be witnessed on a daily basis.

There has been much analysis of Muhammad’s mental sanity. In spite of all the available research, it is rarely mentioned or debated. It is a taboo to discuss the true nature of the man whom one and a half billion Muslims around the world regard as a holy prophet and example to be followed. That taboo must be breached in the West, and here in the Netherlands.

Ali Sina is an Iranian ex-Muslim who established the organisation for apostates of Islam Faith Freedom International. In his latest book he posits that Muhammad is a narcissist, a paedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. Sina has offered 50,000 dollars for the one who can prove otherwise. Nobody has claimed the reward as yet. And no wonder, as the description is based on the Islamic texts themselves, such as the hadiths, the descriptions of Muhammad’s life from testimonies of contemporaries.

The historical Muhammad was the savage leader of a gang of robbers from Medina. Without scruples they looted, raped and murdered. The sources describe orgies of savagery where hundreds of people’s throats were cut, hands and feet chopped off, eyes cut out, entire tribes massacred. An example is the extinction of the Jewish Kurayza tribe in Medina in 627. One of those who chopped off their heads was Muhammad. The women and children were sold as slaves. Confronted with the lunacy of Islamic terrorists today, it is not hard to find out where the lunacy comes from.

In Vienna the women’s rights activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was recently sentenced to paying a fine for insulting a religion by calling Muhammad a paedophile. However, that is the truth. Numerous hadiths contain testimonies by Muhammad’s favourite wife, the child wife Aisha. Aisha literally says: “The prophet married me when I was six years old, and had intercourse with me when I was nine.”

According to the historian Theophanes (752-817) Muhammad was an epileptic. Epileptic crises are sometimes accompanied by hallucinations, perspiration form the forehead and foaming at the mouth, the very symptoms which Muhammad displayed during his visions.

In his book “The other Muhammad” (1992) the Flemish psychologist dr. Herman Somers concludes that in his forties the “prophet” began to suffer from acromegaly, a condition caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland, a small organ that is situated just below the brain. When the tumor in the pituitary gland causes too much pressure in the brain, people start to see and hear things that are not there. Somers’s psychopathological diagnosis of Muhammad’s condition is: organic hallucinatory affliction with paranoid characteristics.

The German medical historian Armin Geus speaks of a paranoid hallucinatory schizophrenia. A similar analysis can be found in the book “The Medical Case of Muhammad” by the physician Dede Korkut.

In his book “Psychology of Mohammed: Inside the Brain of a Prophet” Dr. Masud Ansari calls Muhammad “the perfect personification of a psychopath in power.” Muhammad had a unhinged paranoid personality with an inferiority complex and megalomaniac tendencies. In his forties he starts having visions that lead him to believe he has a cosmic mission, and there is no stopping him.

The truth is not always pleasant or politically correct. On the basis of the research referred to above it can be argued that the Islamic creed obliges one and a half billion people around the world, including the one million living in the Netherlands, to take Muhammad as their example. There is no turning back once one has become a Muslim. For even though article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every person has the right to “change his religion or belief,” in Islam there is a death penalty for leaving the faith.

Anyone who voices criticism of Islam and Muhammad is in grave personal danger — as I have experienced. And whoever attempts to escape from the influence of Islam and Muhammad risks death. We cannot continue to accept this state of affairs. A public debate about the true nature and character of Muhammad can provide insight and support to Muslims all over the world who wish to leave Islam.

Apostates are heroes and more than ever they deserve the support of freedom loving people all over the world. Party politics should not be at play in this matter. It is time for us to help these people by exposing Muhammad.

Geert Wilders is an MP in the Netherlands. He is the Chairman of the Party for Freedom (PVV). This article was published in the Dutch weekly magazine “HP/De Tijd” of March 30, 2011.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/29/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/29/2011The refugee crisis on the island of Lampedusa has intensified to the point that food is lacking for 2,000 of the 6,200 immigrants on the island. Refugees are also landing in Sicily, and the Italian government is in the process of relocating migrants from Sicily and Lampedusa to camps in different parts of the mainland. The Italian government says that if Tunisia does not take the necessary steps to stop the outflow of people from its shores, then Italy will take steps to repatriate the refugees.

Meanwhile, Australian government computers have been hacked, and it is feared that emails on Prime Minister Gillard’s computer may have been read by the intruders. The Chinese intelligence services are suspected to be behind the attack.

In other news, the Standard & Poor rating for Portuguese government bonds has been reduced to junk level.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AC, Barry Rubin, C. Cantoni, DS, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, KGS, Mary Abdelmassih, Nick, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Three Genocides, One Strategy

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about an commemoration of the Greek Genocide which will be held next month in New York. My post prompted an email from a representative of the international conference on “Three Genocides, One Strategy”, which was held last September in Athens. Below is the press release that was issued by the sponsors after the event:

International Conference
“Three Genocides, One Strategy”

17-19 September 2010

The Second International Conference “Three Genocides, One Strategy” was successfully realized in the Old Parliament chamber, in Athens. The Conference was co-sponsored by organizations representing the descendants of Christian Anatolian people, victims of the crime of genocide by the Turks in the early 20th century; these included the Armenian National Committee of Greece, the Association of Greeks from Smyrna, the Pan-Pontian Federation of Greece, the Pan-Hellenic Association of Assyrians and the Pan-Hellenic Association of Pontian Educators.

A measure of the success of the Conference was the enormous participation of scholars and others from Greece and from abroad throughout its duration. In addition, issues were examined and suggestions were made by the participants that will contribute to the agenda of conferences to follow. At the same time, thousands of people interested in the topic of the conference had the opportunity to follow real time via the internet.

This Conference, followed that held in Komotini in 2008, examined the genocides of the Pontian and Anatolian Greeks, of the Armenians and of the Assyrians on a common basis, suggesting a common strategy towards the international recognition of the crimes. The papers presented examined and demonstrated the historic reality of the three genocides, their legal dimension, along with proposals for their recognition.

In a discussion on policies that will lead to international recognition of these crimes it was proposed that:

  • Greece should also recognize the genocide of Assyrians, after the recognition of the genocide of the Greeks of the Black Sea and Asia Minor and of the Armenians.
  • Effort should be made to hold conferences every two years in a different country. It was suggested that the next (or third) conference take place in Sweden.
  • A Greek committee should be formed for the study of the three genocides. This committee, which can be a private, non-profit entity drawing on the two conferences already held, will gather, classify and exploit the relevant material and will prepare for the next conferences which will aim at broadening the international recognition of the genocides of the Christian Anatolian people.
  • Common monuments be erected and dedicated to the three Anatolian genocides in various cities of Greece and in foreign countries.
  • Archives in all countries with materials on the genocides provide ready access to scholars so that they can do their work of recording these with the requisite integrity. Specifically regarding Greece, it was proposed that the necessary initiatives for establishing Schools or at least institutes in the Humanities Faculties, which will have Asia Minor and the genocides that took place there as objects of study. In this regard it also was proposed to exploit the internet.
  • Efforts should be made to secure funding sources for the effort.
  • Support be given to the proposal R to L (Right to Life) by Professor Charny from Israel, which aims at the creation of an International Union within the UN of people that are genocide victims and their descendants. This entity will, among other tasks, aim to establish genocide museums in many countries, with halls dedicated to each genocide individually; this entity also will develop a warning system for genocides in progress, will grant financial support for studies on genocides, will inform through a website, etc.
  • The sense of the Conference and the ideas it stimulated can be summarized in the phrase, “Three Genocides, one Strategy, one Identification, one Monument, one Recognition”.
  • Finally, it was proposed that the findings of the Conference should be announced worldwide (to forums, universities, research institutes, mass media, parliaments, governments etc.) as well as to the European Union, which will be called in a few months to report on the European prospects of Turkey.

Athens, 23 September 2010

For the Organizing Committee:

Chairman: Dr Pavlidis Adonis
Secretary-General: Dr Charitidou Georgia
Press Officer: Dr Mistakidou Liana

British Muslims for Israel

Despite his assertion that he doesn’t feel himself to be in any danger, I can’t help but wonder if this young man has some sort of death wish.

The following report about a British group called “Muslims4Israel” is from Israel National TV:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

The Myth of the “Hate Crime” Wave Against Muslims

We’ve posted in the past about the spurious claims by CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups that “hate crimes” against Muslims are increasing in the United States. When official law enforcement statistics are examined — rather than mere statements by Muslim apologists and their leftist friends — the actual incidence of such crimes is seen to be very low, and getting lower.

In an effort to counter Rep. Pete King (R-NY), who recently held hearings on radical Islam, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is currently holding his own hearings on prejudice and hate crimes against Muslims. The
Center for Security Policy has just issued a press release to remind Americans of the actual statistics involved:

New Study on Hate Crimes Debunks the Myth of a Growing Trend in Muslim Victimization

Washington, DC, March 29, 2011 — The Center for Security Policy today released a revised edition of their groundbreaking longitudinal study, Religious Bias Crimes 2000-2009: Muslim, Jewish and Christian Victims — Debunking the Myth of a Growing Trend in Muslim Victimization, based on FBI statistics reported annually in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. The Center’s study contradicts the assertions that religious bias crimes against Muslims have increased, and that the alleged cause is widespread “Islamophobia” in America. In fact, the study shows that religious bias crimes — also known as hate crimes — against Muslim Americans, measured by the categories of incidents, offenses or victims, have remained relatively low with a downward trend since 2001, and are significantly less than the numbers of bias crimes against Jewish victims.

The Center’s study also contradicts the assumption of increased hate crimes against Muslims which has been asserted by Senator Richard Durbin’s (D-IL) Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, and is the topic of hearings being held today. Printed copies of the study were delivered to each member of the U.S. Senate early this morning.

According to the Center’s analysis, in 2009, Jewish victims of hate crimes outnumbered Muslim victims by more than 8 to 1 (1,132 Jewish victims to 132 Muslim victims). From 2000 through 2009, for every one hate crime incident against a Muslim, there were six hate crime incidents against Jewish victims (1,580 Muslim incidents versus 9,692 Jewish incidents). Even in 2001 when religious bias crimes against Muslims increased briefly for a nine-week period, total anti-Muslim incidents, offenses and victims remained approximately half of the corresponding anti-Jewish totals.

The study provides hard data that disproves the counterfactual statements made by a small number of highly vocal Muslim lobbying groups, many linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as leftwing activists. Citing these false assumptions concerning America’s alleged “Islamophobia” and a supposed rising trend in hate crimes against Muslim Americans, these organizations argued against holding the March 10, 2011 House Committee on Homeland Security hearings on Muslim American radicalization, and have argued for today’s hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution . The study shows that these arguments against the March 10 hearings, and for today’s March 29 hearings, are not based on facts but rather on a political agenda.

Frank Gaffney, President of Center for Security Policy remarked:

This report is important because it exposes a false belief perpetuated by a few vocal groups that religious bias crimes against Muslims are on the upswing. The truth is quite the opposite. These arguments, unsubstantiated by hard factual data, are corrosive to community relationships at every level of American society, and a potential threat to national security.

The full text of the white paper, and accompanying excel tables and charts, can be found at the Center for Security Policy.

For more information and to schedule an interview, contact:
Travis Korson or
David Reaboi

Culturally Enriched Kidnapping

Cultural Enrichment News

Below is a culturally enriched crime story from this morning’s Sjællands Nyheder in Denmark.

Note: Islam is not the only variety of cultural enrichment in the West, although the majority of enrichment atrocity stories involve the Religion of Peace and usually have a non-zero Mohammed coefficient. In this case, the perp is said to have had “a foreign accent”, which is no proof of Islamicity on his part. I wouldn’t make any bets against it, however.

Many thanks to our Danish correspondent Signe for the translation:

Attempted kidnapping of eight-year-old girl
By Claus Rødgaard Thomsen

SORØ: Tuesday morning an eight-year-old girl from Ruds Vedby was subjected to an extremely unpleasant experience as a man tried to kidnap her by dragging her into a van.

“There haven’t been any similar episodes, but if we have this sort of thing in the area we must get hold of him,” says Hugo Larsen, deputy police commissioner at Sydsjælland and Lolland-Falster Police.

The eight-year-old girl escaped with a fright this time around.

In the morning she left her home on Fuglebakken for the short walk to Ruds Vedby School.

A gray-black van followed her and on Ternevej, a man jumped out and tried to get the girl in the van. The man grabbed the girl so hard it hurt, while he allegedly said “Come here, girl” with a foreign accent. [emphasis added]

The girl screamed and managed to free herself and then ran to the school.

The description states he is between 190 and 195 centimeters tall and wearing a ski mask and black pants.

Hugo Larsen says the incident took place between 8 and 8.15.

The police find the girl’s report completely trustworthy.

“We believe her. We have also interviewed the mother,” says Hugo Larsen.

He asks people to contact the police at 114, if they have seen anything the police can use to catch the man.

“We know that sexual offenders commute, so tomorrow he might appear in Kalundborg or Hillerød,” says Hugo Larsen.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/28/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/28/2011The exodus from Libya has begun. Several hundred refugees have reportedly left Libya heading for Sicily, traveling in flimsy dinghies and inflatable boats. At least one boat was lost at sea. The immigrant crisis on Lampedusa has become acute, and the Italian government is planning to relocate several thousand refugees to the mainland — if they do not have any diseases that require quarantining.

In Syria, confrontations between the security services and demonstrators are ongoing, with more reports of soldiers firing into the crowds. In Yemen, a munitions factory that had been taken over by the rebels exploded while the occupiers were attempting to haul off the weapons. Some reports say that as many as 110 people were killed.

In other news, plutonium has been detected in the soil in the area around the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, although the level is negligible, and no threat to health. Radioactive water is leaking from the plant through a tunnel, and officials fear that it may eventually find its way into the sea.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AA, AC, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, CSP, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, Lurker from Tulsa, Takuan Seiyo, Zenster, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.


Reached home.



HALF DEAF now T____________T


I'm not sure that my ear so pain is it due to the coughing :(

Freedom, Equality, and the Muslim Brotherhood

Below is a Norwegian TV documentary about the Muslim Brotherhood, subtitled in German. We posted the same film with English subtitles several months ago, but the user has since closed his account, and the original is no longer available. Vlad is working on a replacement.

Many thanks to for the translation, to the Counterjihad Collective for the time-stamping, and to Vlad Tepes for subtitling and posting this video:

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OH. It's week 5.

Time to study, MsClaire.

If you wish to go back Penang, Malaysia end of November this year.

Then you need to start study.

No more playing and everything.


well, I'm not greedy in my Bachelor of Degree year 2.

I'm not aiming for a High Distinction or even a Distinction.


Past 2 hours in the library since 9.30am finished the 5901LAL lecture.

been studying and doing the Financial Accounting homework.

I feel so sucks right now.

It's only contain one chapter in last week,

but I study like a crab -.-

P/s : well, last week the lecture canceled the lecture due to her knee got accident? perhaps.

I don't care what -.-

I need to finish last week lecture and homework befor I can go home ...

because I knew that, I wont be studying at home. =_______=...

well, Financial Accounting's mid-semester exam is around the corner.

This is week 5.

and it held at week 7, 13 April 2011.


covered with 5 weeks materials.

but I only do well in the Partnership and it's so freaking easy. (I mean only this chapter -.-)





Don't worry, I wont be mad or even insane in my entire life.

I used to be abnormal.


time to continue -.-


Occam’s Scimitar

Ottoman wintering in Toulon

On last week’s open thread — which has accumulated more than 250 comments, and still growing — Sagunto suggested that a new topic be established to discuss Hesperado’s analysis of Politically Correct Multiculturalism (PC MC). Hesperado indicated that he might not be available for much discussion in the immediate future, but we might as well go ahead and get started without him.

We can all do warm-up exercises until the coach arrives. And if I get the introductory material wrong, Hesperado can set me straight when he shows up later.

Before getting down to the topic itself, watch this news report of a schoolyard incident as a case in point. The clip concerns an Australian boy who had been picked on and bullied at school for years, until one day he snapped and retaliated with disproportionate force against one of his tormentors. A cell phone video of the event went viral over the internet, and as a result the kid is unlikely to be bullied again anytime soon.

Those of us who grew up during the pre-PC era would consider this to be a just, equitable, and optimal resolution to the victim’s dilemma. The rules have changed in recent decades, however, and what the boy did is now considered doubleplus ungood — both children have been suspended from school, establishing the familiar moral equivalence between an aggressor and a victim who defends himself.

However, rather than focus on the issue itself, I’m more interested in the PC mindset that is so much in evidence in this story. When the victim’s father is interviewed, he says, “It’s nothing to be proud of.”

Oh, really? Why not?

If it were my kid, I’d certainly be telling him how proud I was of him, and that what he did is the only effective long-term deterrent for bullies. This father, however, is quite a bit younger than I am, and presumably grew up in an age of universal political correctness. Like the rest of us, he has been bombarded daily by relentless indoctrination from the media, the government, and public institutions.

And it may be that the father really is proud of his son, but knows the rules so well that he dare not voice his pride in public. This demonstrates the uncanny resemblance between political correctness and Islam — absolute public compliance is required, and ordinary people are well aware of how dangerous it is to say the wrong thing when the guardians of orthodoxy may be listening.

And consider the final quote from the victim himself. He doesn’t say, “You don’t have to take it! You can fight back, like I did — it’s the only way to stop a bully.”

Nope. He knows the rules, too. He says, “School ain’t gonna last forever.” In other words, “You just have to hunker down and endure it until you can get out of there.”

Such is the force of political correctness in all modern Western societies.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Throwing Multiculturalism into the PC mix described above has created a toxic brew that is now in the process of deconstructing Western Civilization.

My description of PC MC will draw on Hesperado’s excellent analysis, but may differ in some respects. His basic thesis is that PC MC is not the result of a deliberate plan by a secret cabal of powerful elites who intend to use it to abolish the Western nation-state and establish a globalized new world order. Instead it is a widely-diffused ideology that has its origins in traditional positive and well-intended Western ethical principles. All those good intentions have mutated and metastasized into a deeply irrational parody of the original, and are now embedded throughout the culture at all levels.

PC MC is fundamentally incoherent, but since most people never examine it in detail, or even consciously, the essential irrationality never has to be addressed.

Some highlights:

  • No culture is better than another — but modern Western culture is bad, and all non-Western cultures are superior.
  • To consider the distinct characteristics of different genetic groups is racist — but white people are inherently xenophobic and intolerant compared with “brown” people.
  • Islam is a religion, not a race — but people who object to Islam are racists.
  • Violence, even in self-defense, is never justified — yet the violence of Muslims and other “brown” people must not be judged, but rather understood within its cultural context.

And so forth.

PC MC requires its adherents to practice doublethink constantly, in order to entertain all these diametrically opposed notions. All races are equal, but white people are especially bad. In order to promote equality, we must treat people unequally, with straight white men receiving the worst treatment of all.

An ideology of such raging incoherence can only be enforced subliminally, through social pressure, ostracism, and the tacit implication that no good person could ever disagree with it. Because it owes its origins to worthy social goals — ending Jim Crow, not repeating the Holocaust, establishing equal rights for women, allowing equal opportunities for all races, etc. — PC MC continues to enjoy widespread societal approval, provided that its premises are never closely examined.

This allows the vast majority of well-meaning Westerners, whose moral compasses are otherwise sound, to embrace such an irrational and destructive intellectual construct. Those who may not feel totally at ease with PC MC — or who even oppose it — know better than to voice their objections except among people they can trust. Adherence to the secular credo is reinforced by formal and informal penalties for violating it — anyone who values his career, his social position, and his financial solvency is well-motivated not to oppose it.

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The organic growth of PC MC ideology in Western societies is a deranged viral meme that has infected the public information space. Although it has been expedited and accelerated by those who stand to profit from it — politicians, academics, trans-national corporations, etc. — it owes its success to the popular appeal of the original good impulses that lay behind the prototype versions when they emerged fifty or sixty years ago.

This explanation appeals to me, because it doesn’t rely on a secret conspiracy by an elite cabal. Resorting to conspiracy theories to explain observable phenomena generally violates Occam’s razor, which states:

Never multiply entities needlessly.

Or, more clearly but less succinctly:

The simplest hypothesis proposed as an explanation of phenomena is more likely to be the true one than is any other available hypothesis.

Secret cabals and huge conspiracies violate Occam’s razor.

Of course, a hard-core conspiracy buff might counter that Occam’s razor is a false principle designed to hoodwink the gullible, and was inserted into European philosophy by a cabal of International Zionist Illuminati Trilateral Commission Bilderbergers — or something similar. Who can argue against that? Some theories transcend mere logic.

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PC MC is a mind-parasite that has afflicted much of Western culture since 1945, but it is not what is destroying us, not directly. The proximate cause of our imminent demise is a virus of opportunity known as “Islam”.

PC MC has disabled our ideological immune system, and Islam has quickly taken advantage of the failure of our defenses. The heart of the citadel is now open and exposed, easy pickings for the desert bandits who have fourteen centuries of experience in plundering and enslaving a weakened enemy.

If we are to re-establish our resistance to the invasion of such a destructive ideology, we must first overcome our own collective madness. It’s time to pick up Occam’s scimitar and shave away all the cant and nonsense that has long straitjacketed our ability to protect and defend our civilization.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/27/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/27/2011Nicolas Sarkozy’s aggressive campaign against Libya has not helped his party, UMP, in local elections. UMP was beaten by the Socialists, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front also did surprisingly well, with 11%

The Libyan rebels recaptured three key oil cities today, and are closing in on Col. Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte, which is now under bombardment by NATO warplanes. Meanwhile, the Syrian army continues to crack down on protesters, and the death toll in recent days has risen to more than 60. In Jordan, one protester is reported to have been killed during Friday’s clashes with police and soldiers.

In other news, water in the basements of all six reactors at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant is contaminated with radioactive materials. Radiation levels spiked again today, hampering efforts to restore the reactors’ cooling systems. Trace amounts of radioactive iodine from Fukushima have been detected in rainwater in Massachusetts.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Kitman, SWH, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Savagery and Moral Depravity

Melanie Phillips is a well-known British anti-jihad author and a columnist for The Spectator. On March 13th, concerning the Itamar massacre, she wrote the following in her column:

Today the massacred Fogel family was buried in Jerusalem. And as anticipated, the moral depravity of the Arabs is finding a grotesque echo in the moral bankruptcy and worse of the British and American ‘liberal’ media…

So to the New York Times, it’s not the Arab massacre of a Jewish family which has jeopardised ‘peace prospects’ — because the Israelis will quite rightly never trust any agreement with such savages — but instead Israeli policy on building more homes, on land to which it is legally and morally entitled, which is responsible instead for making peace elusive. Twisted, and sick.

The progressive intelligentsia and their Muslim friends immediately went into apoplexy over Ms. Phillips’ words. To say such things about our friends the Arabs — how racist! How Islamophobic!

In Modern Multicultural Britain, one doesn’t just get angry at Islamophobia — one files an official complaint with the appropriate law enforcement authorities. And sure enough, that’s what happened shortly after the column was published. On March 18th the Grauniad reported:

A Melanie Phillips blogpost on the Spectator website which referred to the “moral depravity” of Arab “savages” is being investigated by the Press Complaints Commission.

The online comment piece, headlined “Armchair barbarism”, focused on media coverage of the murder of five members of a Jewish family in the West Bank settlement of Itamar by Palestinian militants earlier this month.


The column, which also referred to coverage of the murders by CNN, the BBC and the Guardian – part of the group that publishes – prompted two complaints to the press watchdog, one of them from Engage, a group promoting Muslim engagement in British society.

Inayat Bunglawala, chair of Muslims4UK, said: “Her words went far beyond just denouncing the killings. It was a far more generalised racist outburst against Arabs as a whole…”

Bunglawala said he had also complained to the police about the column.

In the video below from an Israeli news program, Ms. Phillips defends her use of the phrases “moral depravity” and “such savages”. She also discusses the dereliction of the British press in its refusal to air the whole truth when reporting on Israel.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for YouTubing this video:

In a post datelined tomorrow morning, The Independent expresses its disappointment that the police have been so busy with anarchist riots that they have not yet managed to act on the complaint against Ms. Phillips.

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