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Saturday, November 10, 2007

~take me back~...

Diz very few dayz~ i've been in a state of depression~well, not that depressed ahaha~ just sad, mm, a li'l bit~ i donno~!! Everyonez busy at these tymz, assignmentz!!!~ Mine'z due in 2 weekz arggghhh~! NOt to mention my chem and bio online test~! Both due in 2-3 dayz~...! *wait, i've done my Bio oredi~ fuuuhhhhh~.. thanx Tamema~!!*

Datz just not it~ itz getting colder and colder nowadays that it snowed 2 days ago~!! Oh~ I wen for d bon-fire nite at the beach last night~ and it was deadly freezing that I couldnt feel myself anymore~!!! But hey, the fireworkz amazing!
Assignment due, testz and dead cold weather~ Well, thatz not the big reason y im depressed tho~ Mmm.. how can i say this.... relationship problem? Yah, distant relationship~ wat a big deal~... But hey, guess what, im so fine now~ thankz to Ipin~!! :D:D:D I called to Brunei lastnight while waiting for the bus, and it was 3am there~!!! SssSSooorrriii, terlupa~So careless aiyoyo~! Well~ Ipin balum tidur plang, I know em soo well bwahahhahaha~ it has been so long eversince we last contact~ *sad* but funny last night, i suddenly remmbered Ipin~& i needed em... B4, he was alwez there for me no matter what~ especially at desperate times~ he was one of the most important person to me (still is bah lalala). Tho we just knew each other last year~

So yah, we den chat thro msn~ ucap ucaping nda branti~ rindunya~.. haha~... The pain i've been carrying ilang~ how did he do that? Aaaahhhh i love you Ipin~ i miss you~~~~~... :D:D Sigh, dulu pling ska hangout dgan ia tu :P coz ipin slalu lanja heheheehhe~ i love spending time having a conversation in a cafe~ have some tea or coffee~.. itz just so~~nice that feeling~!

I realise that, im more to talking then msn-ing~ Mahirah, Zoel n Hadee are alwez online~.. im happy for that, atleast they're alwez there wherever whenever~ I feel bad for not chatting with em at times. I mean i've been really really talkative with them back in Brunei~and all of em are my best of frenz. If only i would, there's so many things i wna tell dem~ malas typing kot?? hahaha~
Aaahh~ i wouldnt have an interesting wonderful life wihout them~

Mahirah and my cuz Faridah~ who gave so~ many advices that have changed my life (seriously...) eversince kanak-kanak udah~ c far tah haha~ waa~ glad to meet em in London 2 weekz ago~

The romantic sweet couple Zoel and Illa~ both are my very close frenz~ haha, i didnt see them both coming~ both of them aha, ALWEZ keep company Awwww~ so i never get lonely klu ada dorang~

And of coz I will never forget Hadee and Zai la hahaahha~ ARGH, kenapa kmu dua nda di Uk kan??? Zai di New Zealand whereas Hadee di Australia~ Fuhhh~ Funny huh~ to see how our path lead us~.. But no matter what, we'll make sure our friendship takkan brubah ahaha~ I love you both~~~!!!!

~Everyone~... Fuh~ kenangan terindah eh haha~
I wonder how things would change nnti~
Are we gonna keep our promise?
At least i can go skyping with Longlong~ i still can see em~ talk to em~... ;) Sigh, Longlong find it really hard to manage his time~ but im really happy that he still can spare his time to talk to me once or twice a week. It must be hard to have 6 courses per semester~ i need to understand his situation~.. I don wanna give em trouble, yet i still do~ aiya sorry Longlong~

Aha, masa skyping~
Cute longlong ah rambutnya ;)~
I kept on thinkin~ klu ia kana antar ke UK instead of US~ Waaa~ kan baik??

Umm~ haha, ya noe watz funny~ why is it easy to say the ‘love’ word wen im talking about frenz, but really hard to say it wen im talking about my bf?? Hahaha, itz d same ngan how easy I joke n tell ppl my guy frenz are my ‘bf’ but malu to say longlong is my bf?? Ntah ah???? Ngapakan?? Hahaha~..

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