Cherry Flower Tattoo
sexy breasts tattoo
best art tattoo
butterfly tattoo
women tattoo

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A reason why i hate thick makeup~ *_*

Which hairstyle suit me best ah? Oohh~ i do like my hair very short tho :P Yaahh~ i've been spending time on this one particular website, u can try putting on makeup as well~ *_* But unlike most girls, I never look good in thick makeup~
Altho i do wear eyeliner most of the time la~...hehe ^^'

Im sure banyak girls interested to give it a try. Check out this website - itz quite easy, but very slow!
After trying out different types of hairstyle~ i realised my original one is the best whahaha~..
Anyway, getting chubbier!!! T_T Couldnt stop eating musim sajuk ani wa.... owh well :P

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kuntum and d cheese speaker~ *_*

Hehe~ for those who doesnt know who/what Kuntum is~... Well.. Kuntumz my pet manikin :P Just showing u that im not forgetting about em la~
Owh and the cheese speaker? Haha~ cute kali ah. ^^
Going to Edinburgh a day after tomorrow, i cant wait!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wah~ omg.. *_*

My body hurts~ guess this is due to sitting in the same posture the whole day in the library *_* I just came home btw, so tired.

To keep sane, I started playing around with the virtual makeover XD aha, so funny, thick makeup never suitz me, macam org tuaa!

More to come next time i think :P

Friday, January 23, 2009

Aku boreng~ *_*

I finally changed my profile picture after using the same 1 for the whole year round. Since i have so many vain faces on top oredi, i use my cartoon version this time. My original drawing was a bit different at 1st - nostril! But somehow i realised my real face doesnt show obvious nostril anyway (sebab idung ku basar:P) So i change it into noseless 1 la. *_*

Owh~ since im bored at the moment~ i finally get myself to do what i was asked~ a long~time ago. Another tag game - yg sudah bangas haha ;P

“The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.”

Age of my next birthday

A place I'd like to travel to

A favourite place

A favourite thing

Favourite Food

Favoutite Colour

A City I Live In

City I was born in

A Nickname I have

College Major

Name of my love

Bad Habit



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Genes&Evolution..owh pls let me live *_*

How was my 2nd exam?

Let my drawing explains everything la :P

Yup, Mr. Death was there~..being owh soo nice to me >_< *Sigh* im not liking the paper. Im never interested in Genetic studies anyway~ but since its a highly recommended module for my course, what can i do?

I just hope i could pass this thing. *_* Amin..

Monday, January 19, 2009

When will this end?~ *_*

Just finished my 1st exam today~ not bad *_* 2 more to go - sigh.. Macam kana canggak rasanya.. when will this end?

<- Look left, THAT's ME >.< Isnt it horrible? I looked infront of the mirror yesterday, i was like " god....baiktah ku mati nah" - haha, nada deh.

Aiya~ a day before exam ba~.. mana lagi berusul. Kan kata belajar last minute inda jua...mun namanya exam, it never failed to torture people. At times like these, I always imagine - if only i could travel thro time and skip my exam *_* Wouldn't it be awesome?

I make used of every moment I have during my break in between studies...... Appreciate berabez haha, yea i've been taking my free living life for granted.

Okla~ I have a confession to make~ ...

I love my new set of baju i bought in liverpool! XD Yay~ Tapuk tangan! Tapuk tangan! Pu3 gone vain!! Tapi orgnya nda bermua hehe~ takpela. Aku bida ^^'

Y do i think im loving it? I kept on drawing that baju baa~ :P Owh~ if only I have a pretty face T_T then i can be my own model. Yea, i can do so many things during these exam period. Rajin enough to get some girl i donno to be my model aha.

Man im feeling so lonely now *_*..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wow, seriously? *_*

Saw it on someone's blog...Curious about myself, i took the test *_* the result sure surprised me~.. -_-' Im sure people who knows me does not agree with it...



Wrath:Very Low


Envy:Very Low


Pride:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nafsu melukis exam period~ *_*

Sorry mami~ I know itz bad to spend time on blogging (esp musim exam ani) But i just came back from a whole day in the library anyway. This is my break!!

Anyway, nafsu melukisku semakin ghairah musim exam ani (ya allah..) hehehe~ There's this time when i was studying..... i opened my new set of untouched crayons....

...... and I couldnt's resist....
Lalalala~.. (1st time crayons kana pakai kali ah, mesti digambar untuk kenangan manis aku dan dia whahaha ;D)
Ta Da~!! Lukisan (hantam) pertamaku~ Ya la~.. Im not an artist, but a li'l kid who loves colouring ;D Does that explain it all? *Nda tau malu*~ change topic tah eh~ =.=

Nobita came back from Hongkong yesterday~! \(^o^)/ Aku rindu dia!!
*Anak atu majal suruh aku pakai topi Mickey ah *_*

Owh~ and look at all the things he bought me ^^ I love em all~ ほんと二 ありがとう!! Makanan pun ia balikan, segala Doraemon's doriyaki (with an included keychain) dan lain2 lagi--
I really love the berabez cute cheese speaker :D
Yang paling tinggi atas gunung - TOTORO!! <3 Kawintah ngan aku Nobita! XD Siok jua tu jadi isteri kana spoil hohoho~
Dear Nobita - I DIDNT DO IT!!! ->
Anyway, the pink flowers suit u so well, right everyone?! ;) Im sure the guys will think ur a babe and fall for u, goodluck with that man. Eh, ndaku jadi kan kawin ko eh, tarik balik! tarik balik!
Owh~ and im sure you're pissed off the fact that i've written mostly in Malays hehe. Sorry yo, my english so broken baa~..couldnt even write the whole thing in complete english :P *alasan*
Anyhu~ lotz of love! Thanx again!~ All the best for exam yah ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Total Random Multitasking Babe~ *_*

Just showing u ppl how c Kuntum is going to be big part of my life :P And yes, I do have small lips, ramai orang tagur bah~ Pada suatu hari, nya kawanku c Gmah nya - mulutku macam tikus. Sedih sedih~....pakai lipstick pun kana ketawakan. Kan baik if bibirku macam Angelina Jolie :P Hehehe~

Friday, January 9, 2009

End of Dang Lantut & Jubur Itam story *_*

Im finally back in Aberdeen~! Waaaa~ i've been staying at my cousin's for nearly 3 weeks!!!
*Hehehehe, sorry Dah~ aku mau jadi Dang Lantut baa, ko jaa jadi jubur itam~ jangan marah ah :P*

We went for our last shopping in Liverpool a day before i went back~...... Owh boy, dont ask how much i spent that day T_T ikat parut seminggu ni ehh~ Anyway, i also bought a set of barang2 lukis di Branded Bargain shop! Wooohoooo~ I can start painting again!!
Bought a Manikin as well :P What? I've always wanted one of these! A dream come true man!

And guess what name I gave to em~ :P

Owhhh~ 2009 udah ahh~ XD Now i can use my new calender Peter gave me for my christmas gift!! A calender with all our pictures in it~ :) Thank you so much Peter!
...........a very good reminder on how many days left til my 1st exam starts...................
.............and here i am blogging.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

......... BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I should keep on studying!!!

Spending the whole day in Liverpool University library with Faridah til 11pm. Only at times like this i started to draw again~:P Im no good at drawing little kids huh? They look older in my drawing -_-'

Next, i took out my digital camera and started drawing Nobita~ :P I suck, my drawings bikin bida, nda sama ani waaa~ T_T Owh well~.. I havent drawn much lately anyway.

Cheers yer'all :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru 2009~ *_*

Surprise~ surprise~... Me, Far, Muiz and frenz celebrated our new year countdown in a PINK GAY BAR. Owh how i wish i could upload d shockingly HOT picz on everything we saw on spot. P kan~ mmg tak adil bagi yang anti-homo out der, so minta maaf sekalian :P Yea~... balum balik aberdeen lagi~ "Sampai bila kamu stay di Liverpool ani?"~.. and i say "Selama-lamanya~... :P" . Aha~ my home in aberdeen is so~cold! Keluar katil pun nda mau, macam mana kan belajar?! (Tuan puteri guarantee tidur if belajar atas katil bebeh). Far's room is so hot that I wake up thinking im still in Brunei everytime since im all sweaty. I even dream of running around the hot beach everynight! Owh man~..
Anyway~ Muiz visiting Far this week~.. so banyak hangout bertigala~ :D
Muiz and joyful faridah with newly bought mask from Venice in her room..... I do really hope i could exchange rooms with her (aku mo panasnya saja tu ah XD)
..... not much la masa ani~.. since examz coming in 2weeks masa ani, we're spending most of the time at home. But we do have time for all the random stuffs we can think of~ ;)..

Dear everyone, I only blog when im
supposed to be busy studying for the exam~... why am i doing this to myself? *_*
Bah bah~ im off to the library tah~.. and no, im not bringing my
laptop this time *_* I CAN DO THIS!!


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