At Gates of Vienna we often discuss a phenomenon which is described here sardonically as “cultural enrichment”. The term is an ironic euphemism, employed partially as camouflage, since the phrase is overwhelmingly used in the media as a positive descriptor of the mixing of ethnicities driven by the ideological imperatives of Multiculturalism.
It’s true that if you do a Google search on “cultural enrichment”, Gates of Vienna will appear on the first page of search results, thanks to our Cultural Enrichment Archives. However, the vast majority of search results are for articles affirming the value of multicultural living. The customary usage of the term becomes even more apparent if you search Google images for “cultural enrichment”: you have to scroll through dozens of puff-piece photos before an ironic image or two appears on the page.
Most of the resulting images are derived from websites for universities or secondary schools — evidence of the pervasive ideological indoctrination that proceeds at all levels in Western educational establishments. The pictures generally show folk dancers in colorful costumes, or people eating exotic meals in food courts at ethnic festivals.
In other words, the images commonly associated with “cultural enrichment” represent the same lie that was used to sell Multiculturalism to us back in the 1970s. All these foreign cultures were to come and mix with us; we would welcome them, and the only differences we would notice would be unusual clothes, new varieties of music, and tasty food of all different kinds.
This is the Great Multicultural Lie, and it has persisted almost unchanged for four decades. Despite overwhelming evidence of its inaccuracy, the myth persists. “Cultural enrichment” is still being promoted by governments, schools, and the media as a rainbow enhancement of our societies, as if it involved nothing more than quaint costumes and spicy food eaten from a stick.
If we were to eschew euphemism, however, and decide to speak the truth about what is happening, we would describe the current devastation of our cultures as an invasion, for that is in fact what it is.
When we hear the term “ethnic cleansing”, we normally think of the actions of the Serbs, and maybe occasionally the Croats, in the various states of the former Yugoslavia. And — if we’re especially vigilant and willing to peer through the MSM smokescreen — we might also consider the actions of the Bosniaks and the Kosovo Albanians.
But ethnic cleansing is in fact occurring in major cities all across the Western world, as huge numbers of inassimilable immigrants — invaders — are imported. The new arrivals inexorably drive out the native inhabitants with their relentless antagonism and predatory criminal behavior.
The difference between Pristina and Krajina on the one hand, and Rotterdam, London, and Oslo on the other, is that the treasonous political leadership of the latter is forcing ethnic cleansing upon its own people.
The following excerpt is taken from a Tundra Tabloids post, and was translated by Cecilie from the original Norwegian at
The silent revolution
by Christian Skaug
One of the most fascinating aspects of Oslo’s slow but sure transformation into a city with a foreign majority is how it all happens fairly quietly and with by far not everybody noticing it.
When it just became public knowledge that the majority of the city’s population will be of foreign origin well before 2030, and thus in majority among the younger half of the population — the future population in other words — long before that time, the news was received with more or less a shrug, a shrug whose effect was that the news did not get the reaction required for attaching itself firmly in the public consciousness.
Or was it perhaps gaping disbelief mixed with a painful sense of having been thoroughly deceived, which in turn meant that the news did not become a particularly controversial topic? Did it in informed circles in two nanoseconds go from being a paranoid fantasy you could not mention to a matter of course which it would be uncool to admit that one had not long ago sussed?
When a certain type of information reaches the majority of the population, it can roughly be done in two ways: either because the major national media decide to give it a certain amount of coverage, or because the news spontaneously spreads like wildfire among the population. (And the latter often leads to the national media sooner or later reviewing the case, i.e., they can either set the agenda themselves, or they can take things into consideration.)
But the knowledge that the capital will surely lose its Norwegian majority during the lifetime of most of its present inhabitants has not been spread in any of these two ways.
That the media does not give this demographic revolution — with consequences for hundreds of thousands of people’s lives — significant attention, can be attributed to herd mentality. As long as the bell sheep decides that this shall not be questioned, the other sheep fail to do it. It is tragic, but essentially banal, and easily understandable from the observation that the people in question are in thrall to their defects.
Far more interesting, on the other hand, as a social psychological phenomenon that awareness of, and upset over the ongoing revolution in Oslo has not spread like wildfire all by itself, without mass media attention. Those who see what is going on, do not raise the issues in public, and they don’t raise them at parties. One may begin to wonder whether these topics aren’t even discussed within the family. Does one decide to move from Oslo without even having to admit to one’s spouse — or even oneself — that one find it most pleasant to be surrounded by one’s own kind?
The questions may seem absurd, but considering how little the public know about things that many thousands of people must have realised, it’s hard not to ask them.
A Document reader refers to an obscure Web site belonging to Akershus University Hospital. There one can read that Manuela Ramin-Osmundsen, Project Manager in the South-East in briefly comments:Statistics from Oslo University now show that 7 out of 10 mothers have an immigrant background.
The article is dated 11 November 2009, i.e. after hospital Ullevål and Aker was merged with organizational Rikshospitalet University Hospital in Oslo. The vast majority of births in the capital take place at one of these three hospitals, do they not? Does this mean that only 30% of the newborns in Oslo currently have a Norwegian background? Whether the true figure is 30% or 40% may not matter greatly. The point is that these are numbers that would surprise most people, despite the fact that anyone who might have stayed at a maternity ward in Oslo last year must have seen the development close up.
What do a doctor, nurse or midwife do, observing how Norwegians are fewer and fewer year by year? I refuse to believe that there is information that does not make an impression. What do expectant parents who see that their children are a minority in their age group think about this? And whatever they think: Why have they not they shared their thoughts with enough people that it is an indisputable and well-known public truth that Oslo in a few years will be a Norwegian city only in patches?
The explanation can hardly be any other than that it’s taboo to say that Norwegians prefer to live among other Norwegians. It is a taboo so strong and so deep seated that one must believe the reason people keep quiet can’t be based on sense. The taboo must to such a degree have become a part of one’s mind, that the reaction comes almost from the bowels: Stress hormones come trickling out, and it hurts physically to challenge the silence.
Europeans have a link between conscience and political correctness that makes them go around with constant feelings of guilt: We owe it to share and make room for the others, to the extent where we declare our own culture out of date. This is a strange psychological phenomenon. It has occurred during a relatively short time, and people do not speak out even when they are forced to move out of their neighborhoods. When will they be willing to speak up? What will it take?
There is something odd about a culture that claims to be against everything Hitler was for, but dares not or cannot defend their own culture.
The Jews who survived Auschwitz have no problem with saying that they want to retain a state composed of their own people. Should we also need to allow ourselves to be partially obliterated before we find it morally acceptable to fight tooth and nail to retain a territory we can call our own?
It is often said that Israel and Europe are in the same boat, in the sense that both are the subject of Islam expansionism. But the difference is that Israel understands perfectly what is happening. “Israel is us” is the name of a book by Fiamma Nirenstein. I wish, I have to add.
Cecilie added this commentary:
As a Norwegian who has lived in Hong Kong and China for the last 21 years, I know what it’s like to be an immigrant (I call myself a climatic refugee, having escaped the cold and dark of Norway to revel in the much more pleasant South China weather) living among strangers. Here, I act like the normal foreigners who have settled in Norway: I have learnt the local language, cook and eat mostly Chinese food and I celebrate the local holidays.
What I haven’t done is demand that everyone in Hong Kong becomes Norwegian.
And that is the crux of the matter: Muslims, wherever they settle, will eventually demand that the local population become, if not exactly Muslim, so at least ‘Sharia compliant.’
So why the hell don’t the Norwegians say “OK, enough of this, we don’t want to be like you and if you don’t want to be like us, go and live in Saudi Arabia or Iran, those paradises for the right-thinking ummah”?
I think it’s for the same reason as many older Chinese, having lived through the ravages of extreme Communism and seen at close hand what that evil ideology leads to, can’t bring themselves to say a bad word about the Communist party. They keep bleating on about how Mao was misled by evil people, how Communism is great really, it’s just been hijacked by some misunderstanders of the faith.
When I grew up in the 70’s, America was the big evil. Palestine was good, Israel bad. The radicals from the 70’s are now the people running Norway. No matter how much mayhem Muslims create in my country, my contemporaries can’t bring themselves to admit that their youthful views were in fact wrong. Perhaps they think holding on to their teenage beliefs will keep them young. Meanwhile their children have grown up in an atmosphere where all war is bad, patriotism is bad and equated with fascism, and all points of view are of equal value.
Saying that we must stop the wholesale immigration from Muslim countries is fascist, everybody in the world has as much right to live in Norway as those who were born there because, oh, we must compensate for British imperialism or something, and to say that immigrants must adhere to Norwegian laws and customs makes us somehow like Hitler.
Norwegians have been living in a pacifistic haze since WWII, and anyone who even mentions that the people who want to turn Norway into a Muslim vassal state should be stopped, must be a racist, fascist warmonger.
The author of the above article, Christian Skaug, is wrong, however, saying that Norwegians don’t even discuss these things in private. They do … at least one-on-one. But it is hushed. Because the youth from the 70’s are now running the newspapers, the schools and the government. They still think Palestine is the ultimate cool, and that Israel should be obliterated.
I despair for my country.
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