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Friday, February 29, 2008

Céline & Liette - Les Fleurs d'amour

Just a quick post to display and give notice to the talents of two sisters from Quebec, Celine and Liette Lopez! The song, Les Fleurs D'Amour is from 1968 - and what a song! Gotta love the slow-mo go-go dancer action too!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another round of Cafe Con Leche - please!

Yo! Due to a couple of requests, here is a updated repost of the kidpoptastic duo of Cafe Con Leche! Updated due to the inclusion of 4 new tracks, which include another single Sing Your Song! Which means the entire output of the group! How amazing is that! While not reaching the phonic heights of Land of Light, the additional numbers do capture that Cafe Con Leche spirit of love, light and happiness, which is pretty groovy!

Included are as follows:

The Bubble Gum Song/Puppy Bobby
The Land of Light/Fly Away
Sing Your Song/Do It Again

Bit of more info on the group. The two members were called Monica Glaysher and Freddy McCoy - both who had fathers who worked in a US Army Base in Spain. Monica's dad was the leader of the choir, while Freddy's was an aviation sargeant. Whats twice as cool is that they both co-wrote some of their songs! Enjoy once more!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Restless~ *_*

*20th Feb*
Im getting more involved with sportz nowadayz~ Sa tu tarik aku sana sini~ :P anyhow, i had more fun~!
Sa's so happy playing around with her new ball hahaha~

Love this shot, Sa & Syaz running after the ball~

Anyway, these 3 dayz~ i have been bz trying to figure out what kind of logo should i make for the BruScot Society~ 1st time making a logo lo~ Since my timez is up (last minute yo), these are the only type of logoz i could think of. I think, of all logo, the 1st 1 saja yg dapat diterima as logo hahaha~
what to do, im not that good waaaaa~ Oh well, better luck next time ;) GANBATTE PU3!!

Errr~ the last logo~.. is out of competition, i broke the rulez yo~ plagarism! Until i finished my very 1st disign - d background, thatz wen i realised it lookz familiar, after some time, ADUI~ Our Uni's Student Association logo! (replace wit d logo wit Kingz college trademark)~ Aiyayayaya~

Since todayz d deadline, i have to upload all d logoz into the BruScot facebook *aha* since i donno which email should i send it to~


WAT THE HELL?????!!!!!! I CANT OPEN MY FACEBOOK!!! Of all the dayz.... WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEE?????? Sa tried opening her facebook account, CAN BAH, WHY MINE CANNOT??!!!~ I've been trying to open mine from morning to night on the day of the deadline~ "Sh**~ this is not happening.." Atu mentel aku dibuatnya sepanjang hari~yatah orang las minute ani kann.... So at the end, i have to use Sa's account to upload my logo~..

with every pic, i put in a statement to clarify:

*Im ZAYAPUTERI, not VANESSA ah :p:p:p~ dont facebook HATES me right now :'(*

* facebook is being a bitch :'(* - Sa's idea

* facebook stabbed me on my back, ripped my heart out, threw it on the grown, jumpz all over it, chopped into pieces, and fed it to the dogz* - Syaz's idea


As usual~ Japanese class every wednesday, but this time a new member is coming in, plus 3 other japanese guyz! - Yuki, Yuhei and Koki~ they're only gonna be here for a month lo~ watz interesting - Yuki&koki knowz only little english~ and i had fun trying to communicate with them ;D + my japanese gone to itz worst peak today (Stressd abt logoz, my nihon go memory had temporarily vanished somewhere else)~ being with them reminds me of 'tarzan & jane" hahahah, and im playing d tarzan part ofcoz - superhyper, loud and annoying.

Picz taken after class~ it was Nippon connection core member meeting time!

And look at Joe and Mat~

Owh, talkin about Joe~
this guy~
to my surprise~..
~..used to be a model~ *seriously???!!*

Imagine my deadly shock when i looked at his old modelling picturez!! Not that im judging~ itz just that itz so not him! Knowing the annoying Joe i noe and this guy in the magazine are the same person for the 1st time was "OOOMMIIIIGGGOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD"~ i couldnt stop laughing~ Especially the serious lookz on his face! When i think about Joe, i would imagine
a tall tree with bushy hair + big eyes and wide teeth-showing smile immitating totoro's face!!

Hahaha~ Sorry dude, i feel like talking bout it~ YOU OWE ME BIGGG!!!!

Owh, not leaving the topic~ the shocked i had from looking at Joe's picz is the same kind of shock i had when i 1st time saw Sa's picture!

The sweet girly innocent look on Sa's face in the pic is so different then the ganas Sa i knew that time hahahaahha~ dulu lo~ i didnt know Sa has a sweet side msa atu :P:P:P Til now im still not really used to the big differentz between her outside and inside lalala~

Awu awu~ aku jahat~.. talkin about these thingz~.. atleast i've told them before i blog about this bahhhh~
Ok bebeh~ til then~

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sunshine Rays of Los Massot

Hey! So so sorry for such a delay in postings - middle of moving house blah blah yadda - but here's something fun for February! Just picked up this today for the grand sum of 25p - wahey! The group Los Massot hail from Majorca but that's all I've really gathered of them so far! Included are the songs Un Rayo De Sol and slightly skewed cover of Sugar Sugar - of course no cover could beat the original!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Diz 2 Weekz~ *_*

It snowed a bit last last Sunday ~ so i was in mood to take a walk and take pictures around the Uni~ Oh~ on the same day, our Nippon society is having a Setsuban party~ + sushi roll making :) Last weekend~ was so restless :P a sporty weekend i might say fooooh~ I overdid at gym last friday, sakit badan d next day, still sanggup go shopping and main frisbee that afternoon~
Please dont mind me, i get very hyperactive and childish at timez~ Oh, playing d frisbee in a team scared me! i mean i don mind playing with other girls, but guyz?! (and they're all orang puteh?!) U donno how SMALL n USELESS i felt when i was joining their team that day, sudahtah tinggi, basar, tagap lagi~
We had steamboat that night woohoo, chinese new year lo~
I supposed 2 join Sa& Syaz basketball the day after that~ but d body pain worsen, still~ willing to go and play, didnt get there in time tho haha~ imagine pakai stokin kasut pun kesakitan~.. after playing CS at Syaz's place, we went to have dinner at Jimmy chungz, Hongkong society was celebrating chinese new year der~
Love these 2 picz hehe, normal day in Uni~ sitting around the Kings college field~ feeding the seagulls haha~ *Sorry Sa&Syaz ah~*

*ahh d last pic atu gambar lama lo~ rmbut mseh panjang hehe*

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Closetz a total mess~!! *_*

Nothin' but truth hahaha~
Hey~ maybe i should start a comic diary in my blog?! ~..Since my life is like a comic~.. :P Lalala~ But itz hard jua ahh~ I dont own any scanner wat~ hehe, i scanned this in the Uni library btw~
Oh oh~ Happy valentinez day to everyone!!...altho im not celebrating it T_T longlong tu nda mo, ya lo, apa bleh buat. Hmm~ nuthin special wa today, breng ehhh~ kan baik if some1 givez me a chocolate masa ni........................aku lapar.......

Monday, February 4, 2008

Wen Pwenz came all d way to Aberdeen~.. *_*

Continuation from d last post :P Diz time, itz around new year~ Im totally happy knowing that my friends sanggup melawat aku high up North of Scotland all the way from Southampton & oh London :')

1st Day
New Year's eve!! We went watching TRAVIS concert performing on Union Street~ Sesak nafas plg rasanya ;) but quite an amazing experience, too bad i don have d picz der~

2nd Day with them~

Actually d 3rd day for my pwenz, it was a whole day of relaxation for them a day before, and i was studying for my exam at Miji's place. 2nd day ngan dorang, STONEHAVEN!! We went hiking for Donnotar castle~ and it was DEAD WINDY~!! Kan jalan pun kan mati susahnya ahaha~ but WOW, didnt regret goin' der~

D very last day~

Hangin' around, taking pictures around d flat they rent~ 50pounds per night, but i might say,it worth more than that! D place'z beautiful, and all the stuffz r completely supplied for us to use! After that, lunch at my place in Hillhead~ and it was SNOWING!! Took some tym outside my flat playing with d li'l snow~ T_T siiookk waaa~ sad, it was only for a short while den drg balik London~

I would like to thank u all ahhh~ Zoel, Khai, Peanut and Duan~ ;) Hehe, i had the most amazing time!! Oh oh~ and thnx peanut ah for some of the photos :P
Bah bah~ Now u see how Aberdeen is~

Here, not much of a shopping place, just natural~ and really peaceful~ oh and ancient buildingz! Im so in love with this place! No matter how FAR it is from london, or how COLD it is~,
or how HARD it is to find Bruneianz~.. I think this place is just right for me hahahha~ err, except for orang orang putihnya hehehe~ Hey, i still love Brunei more la

Sapa g mo datang mlawat aku dipersilakan lalala~..

Juz puttin' in everything *_*

What have i been doin' last winter holiday~? ...Like most otherz~ travelling and stuffz~ Nothing much~.... too malas to talk about it haha~ i had a great time tho :)

Musim christmas~ Stayed at my cuz faridah'z place in Liverpool for 10 dayz~ Nao was with us also, only for the 1st 5 days. Oh, Nao took so many good picture~! Thnx dear~

Just after Nao left for London, far'z BSP frenz pun datang staying with us~ :):):) Had such a wonderful time being with them!

Hmm~ christmas, d guyz played gamez all day long~ Boxing day, all 12 of us went to Manchester~

I didnt buy much~ guess im not the shopping type of person :P Oh well, atleast im really happy to get myself a coat, bootz and skirtz~ Hehe~ lap this pic~ skirt bru yo hahaha~ and beside me, Hisyam~ awwwww, mish em, rmbutnya panjang udah.

Mmmm~ thatz all?


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