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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chocobanana and friends

Owh hello,
Do you know?

Pu3 is in her 3rd year of University now!..... and life's pretty cramped *_* My courses are shortened into a month and a half now instead of 3 months. Im not taking 4 courses in 1 go anymore~ only 2 at a time . A good thing? Not at all! It means I have longer time spent in class and assignments to do in a very short time!

I realized the amount of intelligent students in my class~.. its like Im the only stupid one there! *_* Its annoying to see people making that "what? You don't know? What have you been doing in class?" face when I asked a question. Its not that easy to understand.. I need to work harder! No more stupid questions please!

Guess I wouldn't blog as much from now on... or would I still do? Drawing and blogging is the best way to cool myself down anyway. I mean, Im not a robot what. Plus, I easily get mental block nowadays.

Hurh, lets go somewhere else.

Let me introduce you my new stationary case. I bought em in Harajuku Japan! \(^_^)/
A choco banana that sighs a lot! How awesome is that? *3*
You could also peel it open! [It doesnt talk really laa~ -_-']Don't you think my peachain is pretty cool too? (^o^)
Go squeeze it out!
And I love my Domo pen~ XD so cutteeeee berabez~ !
These cute things~... were always my stress reliever in class. The science class atmosphere are pretty serious and boring. I couldn't express my true self there, it gets me many times~ its suffocating really... But my stuffs, were always the one that bring me back to earth, the only things that make me smile.

Pu3 started to write her diary again. Im afraid her feelings might be too depressing to be published :P

In reality, Im always pulling everyone down with me if Im sad~.. I hate doing that! Hopefully, I grow up and learn to control myself more overtime.

I really hate to make people worry, but I always do.
I am very sorry T_T *Lot of Love*

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