I was inspired by a post on Cifwatch by Akus.
I thought that I would try to find as many derivatives of dhimmi and dhimmi portmanteau words before someone else beat me to it.
After reading through JP’s list, I was moved to add a neologism of my own, which I’ll append at the end.
A Shorter Dhimmissary
by Professaurus Klick Klack Kli-buster
dhimmagogue: | Non-muslim political agitator hell-bent on greater subservience to Islam. |
dhimmi-dally: | Dawdling behaviour of Western leaders in the face of Islamic extremism and violence. |
dhimmi-detached: | State of non-Muslims as they lose their raison d’être. |
Dhimmi International: | Loose grouping of Western individuals and organisations committed to the aims of the global Islamic revolution. Some of the main players: BBC, Guardian, Ban Ki-Moon, US Government, Tom Schalken, Timothy Garton Ash. |
dhimmilemma: | Difficult situation faced by non-Muslims in countries governed by Sharia. |
dhimmilube: | Lubricant used by Western leaders when visiting Islamic countries. Assists in bowing and scraping before Islamic potentates. |
dhimmi-monde: | The London Guardian’s prostitution of itself to Al-Jazeera [Hat-tip: Akus at cifwatch] |
dhimminuendo: | Passage of a non-Muslim community through an Islamic polity from majority to extinction. |
dhimmirama: | Any image containing a group of Western leaders, e.g. G8 summits, United Nations General Assembly, NATO. |
Dhimmi Roussous: | Fat Greek singer. Listen to him at your peril. |
dhimmise: | Withering away and ultimate extinction of non-Muslim communities in Islamic lands. |
dhimmi-sentient: | Low-level mental state of slave or cash crops harvested by the Ummah for its own profit. Antonym: Islamo-dissentient — endangered species in the West, virtually extinct in the Islamic world. |
dhimmiversary: | Notable dates in the dhimmi calendar such as 9 June 2009, the occasion of Obama’s ‘A New Beginning’ speech in Cairo. |
dhimmiverse: | It can only get worse. |
dhimmocracy: | Political system designed to introduce the extortion scheme known as Islam to a majority non-Muslim population. Previously achieved by rapid conquest, now results from the steady influx of Muslim colonists into the West. |
dhimmography: | Study of the declining population of non-Muslims in Islamic polities. |
dhimmolish: | Destruction of the customs and traditions of non-Muslims by Muslim overseers. |
dhimmotivate: | Application of Sharia to non-Muslims. |
dhimmure: | Quiet, respectful, modest. Mode of being adopted by non-Muslims in the presence of Muslims. |
Added by the Baron: | |
Götterdhimmerung: | The Twilight of the Western Gods, and their submission to Allah. |
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