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Saturday, April 16, 2011

“We Will Conquer The Netherlands”

On April 4, 2011, Sharia4Holland and Sharia4Belgium posted two videos threatening Geert Wilders. Or rather, according to the mujahid who gave the lecture, his statements were “warnings”. Even so, the example of Theo Van Gogh was invoked repeatedly as one that Mr. Wilders should remember.

You’ll notice the striking resemblance between the unnamed Muslim in this video and the infamous Anjem Choudary. Since Sharia4Holland is a franchise of one of Mr. Choudary’s groups — now banned in the UK — perhaps the likeness is no accident.

Our Dutch correspondent Penseur tells us that on the PVV website, a discussion about these videos included the following comment from a jihad expert (Penseur’s translation):

The invitation to convert is, according to a jihad expert in the intelligence world, a serious indication that there are plans to attack the politician (Geert Wilders):

“The Koran prescribes that before you are going to attack an individual, a country or a region, you should warn beforehand that you are going to attack, and that the target still gets some time to convert. Osama bin Laden did so two months before 9/11. Such a warning was also given two months before the attacks in London and Madrid, as well as two months before the German elections, but in that case an extensive terror group was arrested in time.”

A Dutch YouTuber has combined the two videos and subtitled the result. To avoid the Blogger bug, I’ve placed the video below the jump. Warning — the subtitles include vulgar language:

Hat tip: Diana West.

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