For non-Scandinavian readers, it overlaps to a considerable degree with The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature, written by the American Professor Byron M. Roth. Prof. Roth’s fine and politically incorrect book has been reviewed by Steve Sailer, as well as by Fjordman right here at Gates of Vienna.
Below are some excerpts from “The Suicidal Paradigm — A Conversation With Ole Jørgen Anfindsen” at The Brussels Journal:
OJA: While I do not see it as inevitable that the West will eventually commit suicide, it does appear to be a quite likely outcome of today’s processes. The currently ongoing destruction of our societies is possible because people either don’t care enough to speak out against our elites, and/or because they actually believe that we are merely going through some ‘adjustments’ on our way to the multicultural paradise. Our political Titanic can only be turned around if sufficient numbers of voters demand a change.
This appears unlikely to happen in the near future, and I suspect that part of the reason has to do with a certain level of decadence that has permeated the Western mindset. Exaggerating somewhat, people care more about wealth, status, and careers than about the future of their own children. As a matter of fact, we are not even producing sufficient numbers of children for there to be any future for us at all. Unless there is a change in attitude here, our societies are doomed, and deservedly so.
I suspect we have a long fight in front of us; a fight that will ultimately be about what Western civilization is, and upon which values it should be built. As we engage in battle with those who hate the West and everything it stands for, as well as those who despise people of European descent, let us not stoop to their corrupt ways and despicable methods. Let us affirm the value of every human being, irrespective of ethnicity, race, or religion (or lack of such). Let us be caring, reasonable, and generous — without becoming utopian, stupid, or naïve. And let us, above all, seek the truth — wherever it may lead.
Read the rest at The Brussels Journal.
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