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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Art of Strategic Citizenship, Part 4: Conclusion

Below is the second half of the fourth and final installment of Takuan Seiyo’s latest series of essays. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

The Great Wave Off San Francisco
Philippe Teuwen, The Great Wave off San Francisco (2007),
after The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1830) by Katsushika Hokusai

The Art of Strategic Citizenship
Part 4(b) — Monodelphia

By Takuan Seiyo

A day in the country of approaching tsunami

Consider the incremental developments that transpired in the Snatcher-ruled United States on a single day, 23 March 2011:

  • The NATO Coalition of the Unwilling fell apart after its massive military operation on behalf of Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihad forces in Libya twice as crazy as the dangerous weirdo Qaddafi. This is the third unwinnable war that America’s ruling geniuses — in this case three BHO administration yentas pushing a metrosexual — have put on the debit side of the surrealist national ledger and on the estrogen-pumped (females and gays) American military simultaneously. Add a 5th Cloward-Piven to the four iterated in Part 4.
  • Two male Marines are shown kissing in a vignette that’s part of the indoctrination campaign the US Military has launched to prepare its 2.2 million active and reserve troops for full scale gayization. It’s unknown whether the US Military has run simulation scenarios showing the facial expressions of the top honchos of China’s People’s Liberation Army upon learning of this Gay Paree (Parris?) wonder.
  • 13 illegal aliens were arrested in California in a van with government license plates, wearing US Marine uniforms.
  • The BHO administration has shortlisted Jamie Gorelick for next director of the FBI. Gorelick, whom Web journalist Doug Ross named “Mistress of Disaster”, has a permanent perch at the apex of Snatcherocracy and a string of titles at WilmerHale that approximate medieval aristocracy: “Partner; Chair, Defense, National Security and Government Contracts Practice Group; Chair, Public Policy and Strategy Practice Group; Member, Litigation/Controversy Department.” She built the 1995 “Gorelick’s Wall” that proscribed the interchange of information between intelligence and criminal investigation agencies and so facilitated the sneaking of the 9/11 plotters through the large lacunae. The Loon & Crook Club then appointed her as a key member of the 9/11 Commission, so that she could investigate herself. After that triumph, Gorelick, as vice chairman of Fannie Mae 1997 to 2003, co-led that Loon State appurtenance to the subprime bundling disaster that precipitated the global financial tsunami, bankrupted Fannie Mae, and cost the American taxpayer $91.2 billion in bailouts to Fannie Mae alone, so far — and more coming with an unlimited government guarantee. For that effort, Gorelick earned over $26 million in compensation. And now the FBI. So count this as the 6th Cloward-Piven: deluging the system with Loon incompetence, more Yin atop Yin, and congenital inability to process Reality.
  • U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess, a medical doctor, explained that Community Organizer-in-Chief Barack Obama and the Loon & Looter Party intentionally designed the healthcare reform law to crash the American healthcare system so that they could then impose federal socialized medicine. Count this as the 7th Cloward-Piven in this humongous ju-jitsu mugging of a somnolent White population.
  • The U.S. Justice Department under Eric “My People” Holder sued on behalf of a Muslim teacher denied a 3-week vacation to visit Mecca. The U.S. Senate Judiciary scheduled a hearing on protecting Muslims’ civil rights. No one scheduled a hearing as to why America needs and allows in Muslims.
  • African-Americans were fleeing from themselves, i.e. from Detroit to the suburbs, and a Drudge headline read, “Mass exodus of couples with children from San Francisco.”
  • A new report informs that “Hispanics” now account for the majority of students in Texas schools. In Arizona, Lori Klein, a Republican state senator, read on the floor a letter from a constituent teacher that described his (Hispanic and mostly illegal) pupils: “They hate America and are determined to reclaim this area for Mexico.” The reading drew an “impassioned rebuke” from a state senator from the Loon & Looter Party, and the Anti-Defamation League’s regional director called Klein’s reading “a disgrace.”[1]. The Supreme Loon Court ruled in a “landmark decision” in 1982 that immigration status may not serve as a basis for denying K-12 education to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense.
  • Oil closed at $105, gold highest in living memory, and silver highest in 31 years.
  • George Soros will hold a “major economic conference” on April 8, to discuss rearranging “the entire financial order.”
  • In the day’s only positive news as far as this author is concerned, the blog Philstockworld informed its readers:
    “Brandon Smith [snip] has launched a new website called [snip] to facilitate barter networking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas for thriving in a faltering monetary environment. Alt-Market’s developers would like to de-centralize and de-globalize our system of commerce and help us re-localize our economy, in order to insulate cities and states from a possible (and ever more likely) collapse of the dollar.”
  • One day later, it would transpire that Nekiva Vonte Hardy, alias Kinesa Smith, unmarried mother of four (probably not by the same impregnator) and a self-described “first-time spring breaker”, broke spring at a Panama Beach Burger King in this fashion.
    “There are more and more videos of people, mostly kids, going nuts in stores. Whether it’s a free-for-all brawl or a deliberate mob robbery, seems like there is more of it going on” was the comment at the “conservative” website
    Except those are not kids wilding everywhere, every day. They are Black young adults, of middle class material means, behaving like the savage barbarians they are. There is no hope for the West if its Whites continue with this level of cowardice in matters of race, politics of looting, and the continuous trail of treason and imbecility by their elected leaders. Since you cannot change others but can change yourself, it’s time to look past all that Free Republic and tea-dumping posturing. It’s time to prepare the boats, and the oar crews. But the issues of destination and destiny are by no means clear, yet.

The City of Monodelphia

Communities thrive in cities. Culture and creativity thrive in cities. Social and intellectual ferment thrives in cities. Freedom and direct democracy thrive in cities, or at least used to. Human potential is maximized in cities. Science advances in cities: MIT is in Boston, Caltech in Pasadena, the Swiss Institute of Technology — Einstein’s alma mater — is in the heart of Zurich, and the University of Heidelberg is called so for a reason.

The city — as long as it was White, not too big or too small and possessing some natural advantages[2] — was a self-multiplying incubator of new ideas, new technologies, art and craftsmanship of superior level, and wealth; great wealth. Individuals of exceptional ability had an environment interacting with their peers and creating a symbiotic effect that raised the entire plane of their respective fields.

Meanwhile, America’s Whites have abandoned the cities for subdivision Whitopias. Of America’s founding stock, only the rich with pathologies of guilt and decadence, Crooks, and Loons still live in cities. And also their servant White middle class in such service sectors as protect the higher status Eloi from depredations by “Visible Minority” Morlocks[3]. Freedomians take this farther, individually opting out of the broken social contract with Leviathan — broken by the latter — in order to move to remote areas where prole caps are the haute couture, and you won’t find a Chopin recital, a Czech film, a slice of Camembert or a Cézanne original within a radius of 100 miles. It’s a tragic error.

In “Leaving the Reservation” the blogger Daphne described a breed of middle-aged men who are severing their ties to middle class life and transplanting their families into small rural holdings in conservative counties in order to live on their own terms.

“These men don’t show up at Tea Party rallies, march on Washington or join militias,” writes Daphne. “They go to work, love their wives, pay their never-ending taxes, fees, surcharges and diligently raise [their children]. Politics have become meaningless to this breed, they’re done, disgusted, fed up with whole cesspool. These men are looking at American life in a whole new way. [snip] They reasonably stocked up on guns and ammunition with no intention of ever sparking an insurrection. Flying under the radar, getting out from under the yoke, becoming free men, rather than shackled dogs or besuited grey ghosts, is the juice fueling their passion. These men don’t want to argue politics and they have no interest in fighting, not anymore.”

Tragic error, again. Political, cultural and economic power emanates from cities. Whites who quit the cities have abandoned their claim on power; they had better listen to wiser men. Pericles is believed to have said, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” And apocryphal tradition maintains that Franklin said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776: “We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Freedom and self-determination cannot be defended individually from an increasingly totalitarian government. However big your gun, Leviathan has a bigger gun, and it will do almost anything to maintain its grip on power. For defense against Leviathan you don’t need a six-shooter. You need a few thousand women and children standing arms locked between you and the federales who came to arrest you because you failed to genuflect at the 9-meter statue of Martin Luther King that will soon hulk over Washington, DC, one third larger than the statues of Jefferson and Lincoln. And you need your own television crew to be on site filming it, and your own samizdat media channels that will disseminate such news worldwide.

Violent criminals or rioting mobs do not take kindly to lone wolves either. Once the fraying seams holding America’s society, finances, industry, and endless military commitments have really come apart and civic order has broken down, swarms of bad or terminally desperate people will be roaming in search of prey. Safety will not be in your Winchester and a mile distance to your nearest neighbor, but in numbers and in coordinated and endogenously altruistic action of a community standing for itself. Examples of what an organized urban militia can do to the strongest foe abound in European history, starting with the Greeks and notable in Western and Central Europe because it’s the trade guilds of upright, hard-working burghers that yielded those fighting units[4].

Until 1970, Cleveland, built by Central European immigrants, was a thriving industrial city that supported one of the finest symphonic orchestras in the world under the baton of the great George Szell. The Cleveland Museum of Art, founded by European-origin benefactors in 1913 “for the benefit of all the people forever” was world class. But then the Loons, Crooks and Looters got to the city.

In the last 50 years, Cleveland’s population has declined from 918,000 to 440,000. Concomitantly, American industry was shutting down and moving to foreign lands, pulling the rug from under this city and its state and country. As Blacks and (primarily “Hispanic”) immigrants were streaming in, Whites were leaving. Cleveland’s White population ratio decreased from 69% in 1960 to 50% in 1990 to 35.8% now. It now ranks #8 in the list of top crime American cities [pdf], the seven cities ahead of it sharing its demographic profile.

In Sperling’s Best Places entry for Cleveland, typical resident opinions (from 2009) are like Renee’s: “Run!! Run as far away as fast as you can! I have lived in this cesspool of a town all my life, if I could make enough money I would be out asap. There is absolutely nothing to want to bring people here. Horrific economy and joblessness. Public schools are a disaster. Crime is awful. [snip] Our politicians are currently being raided by the FBI, they are all scheming money.”

The symphonic orchestra that once thrilled the world, now records videos sucking up to someone named LeBron, said LeBron being apparently as prominent an individual in a Black cultural activity, basketball, as Szell was in a White cultural activity, classical music. But then, if you are a voluntary White dhimmi minority, you have accepted a deal that includes a massive jizya tax — fiscally, culturally, and in other ways. The orchestra’s annual budget reported in 2009 was $43.7 million. That’s for 110 musicians. LeBron’s reported annual compensation in Cleveland was $15.7 million; it’s now $18 million in Miami. His Wikipedia entry is 20 times as long as that of the Cleveland Philharmonic.

The Museum that in a White-dominant city had managed to acquire Caravaggio’s The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew, Frans Hals’s Portrait of Tieleman Roosterman, and a large collection of works by the greatest names in modern European painting, now pays its dues in the Black ethnic vehicles of Nia Coffee House and Karamu — with multiculti agitprop, hip hop “poetry,” juneteenth celebrations and so on. Which is okay — Blacks deserve their cities and their culture — but Cleveland is no longer fit for habitation by Whites who care to be counted under the umbrella of Western civilization.

Non-brain-altered Whites need their own cities, in states hospitable for that purpose, where Leonidas (Sparta), Leonardo (Italy), Leibniz (Germany), Lewis (C.S., Ireland) or LeTourneau (USA[5]), are closer to the hearts of the people than LeBron. The first such a city is the strategic Schwerpunkt from which the rays of American Renaissance[6] can expand to the rest of the state, then the adjacent states. I’ll refer to that initial seed city as Monodelphia. Mono, for the Greek word omonoia: oneness of mind, and Delphia, like in Philadelphia, for delphos: brother. The City of Brotherly Minds — for the City of Brotherly Love did not work out in the end. It’s called Killadelphia now, and since David Axelrod bamboozled its voters as of 1998 to twice elect a corrupt, incompetent Black man for mayor, it’s been a continuous, sorry example of Paul Kersey’s BRA: Black-run America.

Freedomia must be based on industry, agriculture, and sustainable harvesting of natural resources, but the countryside communities supporting this ought to relate to the city the way the spokes of a wheel relate to the hub. As to Monodelphia, you must be able to imagine White reactionary rightwingers, properly dressed as descendants of Europe should and filling a provincial city to bursting with quality manufacturing, rock-solid banks lending to locals only, science, advanced medicine, spectacular, human-scaled architecture, literature, philosophy, music, opera, famed gastronomy, wise governance and K-12 low-budget schools that are the envy of the world. Or else, you must resign yourself to marginal existence in Blade Runner Multiamerica[7] forever.

Reader jeppo, in extensive comments to Part 4, recommended Minneapolis-St Paul (81.9% W) as the target site for a future Monodelphia. Minneapolis-St Paul has a central location nationally, wrote jeppo, and is in the middle of the largely Germanic and Lutheran Upper Midwest: the heartland of the heartland. The harsh climate makes it less attractive to colonizers from warmer climates. Reader Zenster added that the access of the city to the Mississippi River, and of the State of Minnesota to the Great Lakes make both particularly attractive.

Maybe, but I have my doubts. First, the population of Minneapolis-St Paul is 668,000. It’s too large for any conceivable influx of Freedomians to tilt the balance quickly. Second, that population, though White, is also Progressive[8]. It carries its Whiteness like a shameful stigma, striving ceaselessly to get itself more of that wonderful Diversity. There are already over-50% minority suburbs there, and electing Keith Ellison — Black and Muslim: a twofer — to represent it in the U.S. Congress must have been Twin Cities’ pride and joy. Third, the Lutheran North feels an endemic, welcoming compassion for its worst enemies, including obvious jihadi material — as long as they be “refugees” and “immigrants.” Twin Cities have the largest population of Somalis in North America. Fourth, Minnesota is too close to the eastern Loonie-Lootistan, the westernmost citadel of which is Illinois. It’s also too far from the ocean — the only ocean that Freedomians can dream to access: the Pacific one.

For the same effort, it might be easier to alter the destiny of Portland (78.7% W, pop. 566,000) — another attractive city with a Loon White population, two navigable rivers, a river port close to the Pacific, and a Blue exception in almost all-Red Oregon. From there, freedom, prosperity and self determination could radiate eastward, and to the north and south[9] rather than, as would be the case with Twin Cities, mainly westward.

At any rate, it’s not an issue that can be decided here and now. Perhaps no place can be considered except in a state that’s not only White but also has a consistent commitment to freedom. You start a business and hire employees in Minnesota or Oregon, and fail to comply with the racist-sexist federal employment laws, when your persecution by Leviathan ensues you are on your own. But as a Freedomian, you cannot possibly comply with such laws, or with hundreds of others that are a shameful Loon or Crook-rigged travesty. There is something to be said, therefore, for a state like Wyoming, that might challenge the federal government on your behalf in this and other freedom issues. The semi-Wild West may be the only place where freedom can find shelter during the years of Leviathan’s autogenic decomposition. But that is feasible only if the indigenous population resolves to accept sophisticated, urban Freedomians from the cities and burbs of Equalitania, and the Culture, intellect and dynamism they would be bringing.

First Principles

Reality-based economics

Freedomia must de-link. De-link from the global economy, from Leviathan’s Fed and its inflatable dollars, from the Wall Street con, the big banks’ con, the borrow-and-spend con, the Neo con, the grievance industry’s con, the unions’ ex-cons, and from every other pathology of the Loon, Crook & Looter state.

Bailout, stimulus, quantitative easing, deficit debt financing, manipulated interest rates and tax-and-spend are the main economic con. Freedomia must skirt this con by issuing its own money, quite per Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution: “No State shall coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender of Payment.” Moreover, Leviathan’s money grabbing can be minimized by a barter system of exchange substituting partially for monetary transactions, and by steering the fiscal policies of Freedomia toward low taxes and high civic involvement with almost all aspects of community management and services[10].

To propagate healthy capitalism, it will be useful to graft the shoots of Freedomia onto a state with more German-Nordic stock than Anglo-Saxon-Celtic one. The latter, while giving America its great founders, founding principles and civic culture, has derailed in matters of practical economics. It’s no coincidence that America’s main business is financial sleight-of-hand, inventing clever ways to profit by moving fictitious money from the right pocket to the left one, lawfare, corporate paper shenanigans, mergers and acquisitions rather then creation, marketing rather than engineering, and a foreign labor force — domestically too — rather than an American one. Nor is it by chance that Austrian Economics is Austrian, a German Detroit looks like this, a German chap with a Bachelors in Engineering is Herr Diplom Ingenieur while in the U.S. the peddler in a suit is the status guy, and Switzerland and Norway are economically the healthiest countries in the West, with Sweden and Finland not far behind.

Freedomia must make things; things that reflect Freedomian values, that are visionary, superlative in quality, unique and therefore exportable. Take the clothes you wear. At the low end, it’s Asian or Mayan-made cheap junk, with inferior cloth, uneven seams, buttons not sewn-through and capricious sizing. In the middle, it’s the same junk except some marketing shyster has rented for a fee the likeness of a little polo pony or a famous couturier’s name and slapped it onto the garment, and the zillion empty fools are paying for it twice its intrinsic value. At the top, you drape yourself in the ugly though well-crafted expectorations of megalomaniac homosexuals, busting your trust fund anew every single fall with new fashion — the new always sicker and uglier than the old but of a different color palette.

What kind of morons have we become that we buy into this kind of crap? Be the Change. If you believe that at least part of America could revert to 1959, dress like 1959. Better yet, start a clothing company in Monodelphia that will turn out well-made 1950s clothing, like on Mad Men: a Ralph Lauren without Ralph Lauren, better quality and no outsourcing to Asian factories. No supermodels, MBA brand managers and all that manipulative Snatcher goo either. Somehow the Amish manage to consume what they produce — and sell it widely outside — without a TV ad budget or naked tarts sitting on top of Amish appliances in magazine ads.

You can’t compete with the Chinese, you say? There are not enough skilled seamstresses? There is no need to compete with the Chinese. There is a need to educate the Freedomian population that buying and consuming a lot of cheap imported junk is a capital crime against the nation, against Mother Earth, and against your children’s future. The Loons keep crying crocodile tears over Gaia, while allowing their Crook allies to ply the Looters with tens of millions of tons of garbage merchandise from overseas, cheap enough to buy with free Uncle Sam tickets and shoddy enough to end after one year on some Mt. Everest of Junk, leaking toxins into the environment. But one well-made article has the lifespan of eight shoddy ones. And that goes for bicycles and DVD players like it does for shirts. It translates into smaller mountains of toxic trash. And if you can’t find enough skilled Americans in this trade, start a tailor craft school and import some European tailors too; plenty of them still in Eastern Europe. In a few years, the entire North Asian upper-middle class will be wearing what you make somewhere in Middle America.

A people that becomes inured to badly designed, cheap junk, loses its appreciation of workmanship and beauty — but workmanship translates at the end into a rain of gold, and beauty translates into the bliss that comes from the recognition of God’s work on earth. It’s not in vain that those connoisseurs of beauty, the Greeks, had a word, kalokagatia that combined the words for “beauty” (kalos) and “good.” If English had a word combining “workmanship,” “beauty” and “good,” the history of the last 50 years and the 50 future ones would have unspooled differently.

This Mother Earth thing, economics, and the profound spiritual sickness of the West are tied in more ways than one. People who see the harm that NWO (New World Order) and globalism have inflicted on America, who see how many Pandora’s boxes the Loons-in-charge have opened up all over the world, have to envision life in a post-tsunami landscape, and prepare for it now. James Kunstler and Dmitri Orlov have, for years, preached the gospel of Peak Oil and its aftermath. Kunstler’s novel World Made by Hand indicates eponymously where we are going. Peak Oil is another argument for an urban environment in a colder zone. Try living in a suburb of Las Vegas or Tucson with oil too scarce or too expensive to drive or to air-condition your home.

Alas, even if Peak Oil proves to be unfounded, the trashing of the dollar is certain, Leviathan’s thrashing in Muzlands for the sake of democracy is certain, and a steep rise in the future price of oil is certain in consequence. When that happens, the China-based juggernaut is likely to end as well, and with it, the entire disposable junk economy. Walmart and Target will be out, and the village butcher, baker and candlestick maker will be in. But in Freedomia, they ought to prevail now, even as box-stores pollute the landscape everywhere and cheaper alternatives abound.

Bread ought not to have the feel and taste of squares of toilet paper, or come as frozen dough mixed 2000 miles away three days ago. Furniture ought not to be made of melamine and particle board, come disassembled in boxes, and pollute your home with formaldehyde during its useful lifespan of 12 months. Appliances ought to be made with superior mechanics and durability, not a few silicon chips grafted onto shoddy plastic and bent tin. Appliances, cars, hand tools ought to work or at least be home-repairable even if a Black Swan disables every chip in the world. Natural materials, durability, repairability and a small footprint on the ecosystem ought to become a Freedomian specialty.

The Western (+Japan) world is run by a managerial elite of high-IQ, credentialed people who are also stupid, shallow and conceited. Wise leaders do not build an economy based on gutting domestic industry and borrowing and spending, nor build large financial institutions on the premise that real estate always rises in value. They do not build nuclear reactors on a tsunami and earthquake-prone sea-shore with reserve power generators in the basement and the plant designed to withstand maximum earthquake force of 7.9, when Reality can assert itself with 9.9, and just has with a 9.

Rebuilding the core

The problem with conservatives is that they don’t know what to conserve, what to discard, and what to dig out from under 3,000 years of history that’s no longer a part of our mental landscape but should be. Many cling to formalistic Christianity without a thought as to how Christianity itself, having derailed so many times far inside Yang territory[11] is responsible for much of the Yin deluge now, pushed as though by the pendulum of the eternal Tao toward a cosmic balance.

The very fact that many a Western reader will scratch his head upon encountering Chinese concepts like Tao, Yin and Yang, is a symptom of cultural derailment. Western Renaissance occurred before when new concepts, technologies and goods absorbed from the Far East caused a quantum cultural leap. But now, the West has gone into a stupor of smug imbecility, behaving as though history and destiny are linear and what was until 1990 on top will always remain on top, no matter how stagnant and desiccated its basic precepts (e.g. “democracy,” “social justice,” “progress”), or decadent its ways. Instead of strengthening itself with the highest that only the other high civilization — the Northeast Asian one — can offer, the West has infused itself with the most backward cultures it could import: those of the Muslim Near East/ North Africa, and of Black Africa morphed as Afro-American gangsta and hip hop moronism.

We will all soon be wood choppers and water drawers for the Chinese, and we continue like a windup toy bunny, smug in our superiority, straight to and over the edge, as though nothing needs rethinking and no new ideas need to be borrowed or resurrected. Meanwhile, the Chinese rule the world. Commercially for now, and militarily too from about 2040 on. All by shrewdly borrowing ideas and cultural elements from the West, stealing what they could not borrow, then playing to and taking advantage of Western weaknesses while not sacrificing one iota of what it means to be Chinese.

Confucius is all about societal wisdom and wise personal conduct. So is the Japanese Tsurezuregusa — 700 years old and taught in every elementary school in Japan. Their foreign relations are conducted according to Sun Tzu and the 36 Stratagems. Our foreign relations are conducted by “liberated” menopausal women and utopian male drones with narcissistic personality disorder, the whole +2 Sigma (i.e. “smart”) lot of them possessing the wisdom of a door knob.

There was a time when the West knew and valued wisdom. The Bible is a depository of wisdom, as are ancient Aesop’s fables. Every Indo-European language has a rich trove of folk tales and aphorisms that transmit wisdom. The men who served in the Nordic things 1000 years ago were chosen based on their wisdom and standing in the community, not as per how long they could keep a fake smile on their faces and hug strangers’ soiled babies.

To have a future, Freedomia must restore and understand the difference between smarts and wisdom, and choose the latter, in every instance. It must tear down and completely replace what passes for “education” in Snatcher-ruled America, going back at least to John Dewey. Teaching kids Ben Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac” will prepare them for success in the 21st or 28th century far more than teaching virtual reality protocols or multiculti dogma possibly can.

Alas, the West has forgotten its own indigenous cultures that are worth knowing. Western politicians, even the “good” ones like Geert Wilders, keep invoking “our Judeo-Christian culture.” But if we adopted what’s worth resurrecting from proto-European pantheism, the Taoist-like veneration of the Universe and its manifestations on Earth is there, and the deep spiritual fulfillment of finding the sacred in Nature is there, and the fierce particularity of protecting our forests, our rivers, our ancestors’ lands. Right there is the penicillin for Christianity’s maudlin universality and Yin entropy[12].

To save and regenerate it, the entire footprint of Western civilization has to be shifted from its current Judeo-Christian squatting to its historical and more organic outline encompassing the pre-Christian roots, the Greek and Roman trunk, and only then the Judeo-Christian branches. This way, the Yang will be restored to what is currently a Yin-overloaded, sickly shrub. Reverence for nature and love of beauty must be restored, a taste for a spiritual and aesthetic apprehension of the natural world that has nothing to do with the cancers of perpetual “progress,” “growth,” “justice,” or Platonic sophistry.

Education has to be based on teaching manly virtues to men-in-training and feminine virtues to women-in-training. Equality being a partial euphemism brought forth by unmistakably (and deservedly) superior Virginia aristocrats and Yankee geniuses, it’s time for the common sense of old to make its reappearance. There is supreme wisdom in Charles Murray’s three-part series published in the Wall Street Journal, January 2007: “Intelligence in the Classroom,” “What’s wrong with vocational school?” and “Aztecs vs. Greeks”[13]. Murray stressed that we don’t live in Lake Wobegon where everyone is above average, and that we ought to identify and properly nurture a Praetorian Guard class and a worker bee class.

If we had schools integrating Judeo-Christian humanistic values with Greco-Roman elitist ones, the kind of scum that constitutes our Ruling Class now would never get a hearing even in a local tavern, let alone in the halls of Congress and in corporate boardrooms. Werner Jaeger’s Paideia is what prospective K-12 teachers in Freedomia will be examined on, not Dewey, Zinn, Freire and the rest of the Body Snatcher landing party.

Ideas matter. Core values matter. The ideas and core values of the United States, and the West as a whole, have reached the end of their useful life expectancy. Everything needs to be rethought from the ground up. It’s Freedomia’s job, and it’s not a job for the faint of heart or the lame of brain.


You have to live what you believe. You have to be, not talk. A reactionary Freedomian constitutionalist does not buy cheap imported junk, serve in the military with gays under the command of women, or allow his children to get pierced and tattooed on the skin via needles or on the brain via cretin pop culture. A Freedomian does not, cannot live in New York, Chicago or Oakland — except if he must and there is no other way.

Freedomians who are stuck and cannot move from whatever Snatcher territory they inhabit, ought to at least relocate to the same neighborhood. If there aren’t enough of them to fill a neighborhood, let it be a single street. Let it have at least a bookstore where Freedomian books are sold and Freedomians can have coffee together.

A Freedomian takes his son out of softball practice and puts him into pankration practice. This is a far harsher world than the genius of the Founding Fathers and America’s luck of isolation from the main predator nations has enabled Americans to believe. The lucky hand has been badly played for two generations now; Reality cannot but revert to the global mean. Besides, Freedomia will not force school bonds on its residents for the sake of lavish school football programs. Teaching Homer, calculus and boxing is much cheaper — and better for the young.

One important notion to absorb from Sun Tzu is that you must first realize the conditions for victory, and only then seek it. The outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg and world history with it would have been quite different had Robert E. Lee not lapsed in his judgment and ordered General Pickett to charge uphill against the Union’s fortified positions on Cemetery Ridge. You never run uphill, let alone against a hail of bullets.

Snatcher State is doing itself in on its own; there is no need for Freedomians to run uphill. It’s enough to gather and prepare the ground to save as much of America as will be possible after the Loons, Crooks and Looters collapse upon each other. But a formal break and the founding of an independent republic has to be considered inevitable in the future, just as the eventual formation of La Republica del Norte is inevitable. Demography is destiny, and no amount of Snatcher talk will change that. War can change that, but that is a topic for war professionals that we shall skirt here.

Between America’s two founding documents, the Declaration of Independence is, by far, the more unique and remarkable. What greater prose than this can be conceived that expresses the anguish in the necessity of rending a nation asunder:

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

How much longer and graver the list of the offenses, depredations and treasons that America’s Loons, Crooks and Looters have committed against the American people than the long list of King George’s transgressions iterated in the Declaration! What follows in that document and is apposite in the future one as well is a list of the attempts that the breakaway group has made to bring its grievances before the proper authorities and to seek conciliatory resolutions — in order to get in return only lawfare, trickery, brush-offs, rebuffs, assaults, and imported predators. With but slight changes (in italics), these words from 1776 could sound fresh 250 years later:

“In every stage of these oppressions we have shown our disapproval in lawful ways: our repeated votes, plebiscites, petitions and demonstrations have been answered only by repeated injury. A democratic government of a Republic, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

When the hour comes, it would behoove Freedomians to stress that separation was not an option until none other was left; that since 1964 they have been doing all in their power to keep the whole together. There is a poignant expression of that in Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration that was redacted by either Franklin or Adams. These were the words that flowed from the quill pen of an Anglo-American genius in rented rooms at Market and Seventh in what was then Monodelphia:

“We might have been a free and great people together; but a communication of grandeur and of freedom it seems is below their dignity. Be it so, since they will have it; the road to glory and happiness is open to us too; we will climb it in a separate state, and acquiesce in the necessity which pronounces our everlasting Adieu!”


1. Are there any Jews out there protesting publicly, proclaiming “Not in Our Name,” when Jewish organizations like the ADL work day and night to turn America into an antisemitic country? For there are Blacks pulling no punches with respect to the profile of the Black community, e.g. the Rev. James Manning .
2. This topic was discussed more extensively in the essay “Cities and Accomplishment” by Fjordman, and in its comments section. The attribute “White” is used in the sense of demographic and cultural predominance of European-origin people, rather than in the sense of ethnic exclusivity. Many of the most successful cities in Europe had highly contributive Jewish minorities (e.g. Amsterdam, Lwow), booming medieval cities in ex-Russia Slavic Europe had similarly beneficial German minorities etc. —but the governance and culture of each such place always reflected the majority people. And the few larger and more international and multinational cities, e.g. Rome, Samarkand and Victorian London in the past, or Singapore now, have thrived only because of a dominant, higher-IQ group, imposing its values and governance as binding on all.
3. “Visible Minority’ is the official Canadian Snatcher Government term for what I call here Black and Brown. Morlock and Eloi are a race of predatory troglodytes and the race of human victims respectively in H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine.
4. The Battle of the Golden Spurs is a particularly compelling example of this type of war. This man, the commandant of Warsaw in the 1794 Kosciusko uprising against Russian occupiers was a working cobbler and activist in his trade guild.
5. The life of American originals like Robert. G. LeTourneau — a man who had no college education yet became a holder of 300 patents, a titan of industry, a business tycoon and a major philanthropist devoted to Christian principles — is particularly valuable in these days of rampant cretinism, degrees inflation, predatory financial capitalism and propositionism concerning the American identity.
6. No one toiling in this area ought to use the term American Renaissance without a hat tip to American Renaissance: a pioneering enterprise of a dedicated man, Jared Taylor, who’d given up much for it. For 21 years now it has stood like a lone and unwanted Cassandra, imparting data and news stories documenting that racial differences exist, that the construction of Newamerica on the false premise that they do not is a path to perdition, and that in response to that path’s calamity Whites must start defining themselves in terms of their group interest, just as Blacks and immigrant groups do.
7. Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, presented in 1982 a visionary picture of the Los Angeles of 2019 that, demographically at least, Los Angeles already resembles. MultiAmerica is the multicultural propositional nation of New America, and the opposite of Monodelphia.
8. See connection between White city demographics and Loonism here.
9. From 100 miles north of San Francisco up to Eugene, Oregon it’s all Red country. For hundreds of miles north beyond Eugene, and well into Washington State, it’s all patchy Red too, except for Portland.
10. See The Voluntary City: Choice, Community and Civil Society,
11. Examples of Christianity’s past excesses: Constantine’s Sword, crusades against Europeans (Albigensians, Balts and other Euro-pagans), the Teutonic Knights of the Cross, persecutions of Jews and heretics, oppression of women, stifling of sexuality — of joie de vivre even, ceaseless internecine religious wars, corrupt power-mad popes, the Inquisition, fostering of bigotry and fanaticism, lust for gold and treasure, etc.
12. Readers may be happy to know that Augustana College — "Lutheran expression of the Christian faith" — hosted a "White Privilege Summit" on March 30 (hat tip, American Renaissance)
13. These appear to be behind a paywall now, but are probably retrievable elsewhere.

Previous posts by Takuan Seiyo:

2008 Oct 14 The Real Mark-to-Market
  Dec 1 You Say Mumbai, I Say Bombay
2009 Apr 8 The Deadly Jive of Jiverly Diversity
  Jun 2 The American Press: The Unbearable Lightness of Treason
    12 Critique of the Culture of Kevin MacDonald
  Jul 31 Sons of Onan
  Sep 2 Be the Change
  Dec 15 F Street
2010 Apr 25 Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust, Inshallah
  Jul 7 Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust — Progressive Progress Report
  Dec 12 The Art of Strategic Citizenship, Part 1
2011 Jan 7 The Art of Strategic Citizenship, Part 2
    31 The Art of Strategic Citizenship, Part 3
  Mar 20 The Art of Strategic Citizenship, Part 4

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