Next comes translation. I’ll post about that when I have the transcripts ready to go.
Update: I now have enough volunteers to cover video #1, but still need two or three more for video #2.
Most readers are familiar with the takedown of Sen. Lindsey Graham and subsequent Koran-burning by the Colorado Buzzsaw, Ann Barnhardt. If you haven’t already seen the videos, you’re missing a rare treat.
At the request of several European readers, I am initiating a Rosetta Stone project to see how many different languages we can subtitle those videos in. This is no small undertaking, since there are about 24 minutes of video in two different YouTube clips, each of which will have to be transcribed with time-stamps, and then translated and subtitled.
The first step will be to find volunteers to do the transcribing and time-stamping. I propose breaking the videos up into two- to four-minute segments, depending on how many volunteers we get. This makes the job less daunting — no individual volunteer has to spend more than half an hour or so working on it.
Since Ms. Barnhardt speaks colloquial American English (with a Rocky Mountain regional accent), I only want volunteers from the USA or Canada, who I can be sure will understand her clearly.
If you fit those characteristics, and would like to help, please send me an email at unspiek (at) chromatism (dot) net. Not in the comments, please! Just via email. When I corral enough volunteers, I’ll assign segments and explain the time-stamping protocol.
With your help, we can use multiple languages to send the sitzpinkler Lindsey Graham to the men’s room where he can sob his shriveled little heart out.
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