In the comments on last night’s “Camp of the Saints” post, Hesperado raised an interesting question:
While I commend Baron’s “Camp of the Saints” installments for their reportorial excellence, there seems to linger an analytical problem: namely, the negligence of the possible fact that many, or most, of these refugees may be non-Muslims fleeing Islam. (Again, this is distinct from the issue of whether the West is obliged to expend time, effort and money saving them by trying to assimilate them.)
Hesperado’s concerns are worth addressing, and I can only hope that my response may have helped repair any prior “negligence”:
In diagnosing an “analytical problem”, you are making several errors.
One of them is to assume that just because I do not discuss a particular topic or fact, I am not aware of it or do not take it into consideration. This is untrue: I have simply chosen not to discuss the likely inclusion of Christians and idol-worshippers among the Mediterranean refugees, given the countries from which some of them have allegedly fled (e.g. Côte d’Ivoire).
However, when I use the term “cultural enrichment”, it refers to all Third World immigrants who enrich our Western countries. Muslims do by far the most damage, but some of the other enrichers, especially those who live as oppressed minorities in majority-Muslim countries, are almost as bad.
Ask the “persons of Swedish background” who live in Södertälje — they will give you an earful about the gangs and predatory criminal behavior of the Assyrian Christians who have been imported into their town. It seems that Christians in Mesopotamia have picked up many of the cultural traits of their Muslim overlords.
In any case, based on multiple media reports, the majority of the “Camp of the Saints” migrants — somewhat over 20,000 — are Tunisians, and are thus overwhelmingly Muslim. The other countries involved — mainly Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Senegal, and Mali — have populations that are 99%, 91%, 97%, 54%, 50%, 100%, 65%, 94%, and 90% Muslim, respectively. African countries from further south, such as Nigeria, Gambia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso, have contributed fewer migrants to the exodus, but even those have Muslim populations of 50%, 90%, 40%, and 55% respectively.
Since the bulk of the migrants are from North Africa, it’s safe to assume that the vast majority are Muslims. Of those from further south, a modest number are likely to be non-Muslims. If those oppressed by Islam are fleeing their oppressors, they may well be over-represented among the refugees, while still remaining a small percentage of the overall total.
It’s possible that the Muslims among the southern refugees are also fleeing Islam. Nobody in his right mind wants to live under the conditions created by centuries of Islamic rule, unless he is one of the privileged rulers. A Muslim may not realize he is fleeing Islam — he just knows that he wants to escape the hellhole in which he was born.
Then, of course, when he arrives in Europe, the micro-ideology of Islam imprinted in his psyche tells him to exploit the infidel whenever possible, by whatever means necessary. After enough time has passed, and after many more like him have arrived and done the same thing, a new, more northerly Islamic hellhole will thus have been created.
There’s no way to tell what percentage of the Mediterranean refugees is non-Muslim. Based on the data, the infidel proportion must be quite small, but actual numbers are unavailable.
From my viewpoint, the issue is irrelevant, since mass cultural enrichment from any dysfunctional foreign culture is bad news for Europe and other Western countries.
Islamic predation will do the job more quickly, but overwhelming our nations with infidel Third World immigrants will destroy our culture just as effectively in the long run.
For previous posts about the Mediterranean refugee crisis, see The Camp of the Saints Archive.
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