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Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Central Role of Mosques in Islamic Political Doctrine

As Dymphna mentioned last week, British barrister Gavin Boby has launched a new program called “Mosque Busters” at his Law and Freedom Foundation website.

His specialty is planning law, and he is willing to work pro bono to help ordinary citizens demonstrate to their local councils that the building of a mosque or an Islamic center is actually in violation of British law. Mosques play a central role in the propagation of Islamic political doctrine, which incites behavior that is illegal under British criminal law and human rights law. Local councils are therefore legally exposed if they approve the building of a mosque, and Mosque Busters will help citizens make councilors aware of their vulnerability under the law.

Citizens need to check in with their local councils regularly to find out if a request for planning permission for a mosque has been filed. This is public information, and councils are legally required to supply it upon request. If you learn that such an application has been filed in your locality, contact the Law and Freedom Foundation .

Below the jump is Mr. Boby’s latest video with advice and information on how to stop the building of mosques in local communities in the UK. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for posting this video:

There is a donation button his website so that those who can afford it may contribute to his worthy efforts.

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