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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Freedom is Slavery

Below is a brief essay by Nicolai Sennels on the strange metamorphosis of the Left over the past fifty years from the champions of the oppressed into the oppressors themselves.

The reversal of Left and Right
by Nicolai Sennels

In the good old hippie days, the socialists on the Left were the good guys. They risked their jobs and reputations demonstrating for the equality of women, sexual freedom, and freedom of speech to criticise the system and the authorities. It was the time when the Left said that “Religion is the opium of the people” and freedom-loving youth made fun of the religious authorities and their dogmas.

But something happened. The Left — which defines itself as the protector of the weak — decided that a repressive religion and its often fanatic and incompetent followers were a threatened minority, whose destructive actions were a result of poverty and a reaction to others’ criticism, all caused by capitalism and racism.

Most people were cowards and feared being called racists, and this made it easy for the Left’s agenda to find its way into politics and the media.

The Left’s struggle for “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” has faded. Today, such archetypal human values of liberty (free speech), equality (of women) and fraternity (social cohesion) are defended by the Right.

Many people grew up as Leftists or hippies, but are now categorized as Rightists — or even extreme or radical Rightists — because they criticise the oppression of females and religious fanaticism, and support Western culture. But those people did not change. Politics changed. On protecting and promoting basic humanitarian values and human rights, the Right is now the cutting edge.

Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist and the author of “Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist’s experiences with the Copenhagen Municipality”.

Previous posts by or about Nicolai Sennels:

2010 Jan 6 The Eternal Victim
  Feb 19 Youths, Crime, and Islam
  Apr 11 The Stigmatization Fallacy
  May 8 Islam Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
  Jul 28 Nicolai Sennels: An Open Letter to David Cameron
  Aug 5 Rape by Proxy
    10 Islam and Inbreeding
  Dec 17 The Connection Between Muslim Inbreeding and Terrorism
2011 Jan 10 The Dhimmification of the Red Cross
    12 Was Muhammad a Gelotophobe?
    26 Food Crises are Caused by Overpopulation
  Feb 10 Send in the Midwives!
    23 Western Quran Schools Are “Terrorist Factories”
  Mar 22 Why Multiculture Will Always Fail
    26 What is Islamization?
  Apr 3 The Psychopath’s Argument: Free Speech Kills People
  May 3 Islam’s Nancy Boys: The Psychological Background
    25 Arab Drought: Oil for Water
    28 Lean to the Left

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