Robert Spencer’s stance against the left lunatics in Stuttgart was not the end. The new Islam-critical political party, Freiheit (freedom), formed from defectors from the CDU and other major parties, encouraged by Geert Wilders as well as Oskar Freysinger — who led the minaret ban in Switzerland — and others, is on the move. They had intended a modest start in Berlin, the home base of the two founders, but there was such demand that they expanded to other states. This chronicles some of what happened before and during one of those ceremonies. Since this post, the state of Hesse has also been added.
You will also recall that the party’s first attempt at a national party meeting a few months ago was torpedoed by massive leftist pressure on the chosen venues.
Below is his translation from Politically Incorrect:
Freiheit for Baden-Württemberg!
It was a beginning with horrors: Before the founding of the state branch of FREIHEIT
in Baden-Württemberg yesterday — Sunday — the present state representative, Joachim Reymann experienced what several self-styled Anti-Fascists defined as democracy. However, what began as a horror was to end that much more harmoniously. After Bavaria, now Baden-Württemberg also has a branch of FREIHEIT.It was the crowning conclusion of a changeable weekend. On Sunday evening, a branch of the new citizens’ rights political party, DIE FREIHEIT was established in Bavaria and also Baden-Württemberg.
The event — joyful from the Islam-critical point of view — was preceded, especially in Stuttgart, by some moments of dismay: on Thursday, the onslaught of leftist fascists during Robert Spencer’s speech, and right after that, the cancellation of the Sunday activities in the great Islam-critical weekend in Stuttgart, and finally a further attack by the leftists on the hotel in which the founding party conference of FREIHEIT was supposedly to take place.The sad apogee was on Sunday noon, when Joachim Reymann, current FREIHEIT representative in Baden-Württemberg, with another member of the party, was in the wrong place at the wrong time and encountered some people whose perception of freedom and democracy at best included a misuse of them. Several leftist fascists beat the two FREIHEIT members and injured them as they were on the way to the founding of their branch of the party. The fact that the founding of the party took place at all despite the leftist attack on the “Abacco Hotel,” was due to the circumstance that the meeting was scheduled for a completely different location — namely the quarters of the Stuttgart police sports club, directly behind the Mercedes-Benz Arena. The criminal attack on Reymann and his colleague was followed in short order by a large security force: several passenger vans appeared on the scene to assure the party’s national chair a secure entrance to the meeting place.
The religious scholar and author Robert Spencer was once more a witness to the conditions which reminded him of the appearance of “rightist and leftist extremists in pre-democratic Germany.” The American, who had had the impression on the previous Thursday that the Stuttgart police had “not really done much to support us” was no doubt able to feel much more secure on Sunday. In the end, the massive police presence confronted a pathetic group of about 30 Antifas, whose appearance would not even compare favorably with a youth group at Ballermann’s [popular bar on Mallorca]. The group displayed the high point of philosophical confusion on a banner : “Freedom for Palestine.” Briefly amazed, René Stadtkewitz wondered: “Do they intend to start a branch of the party?”
The shock of the first terrible moments had been overcome. It had long since become clear that this would be a day for FREIHEIT. And despite the hostile designs of the leftist rioters. The page had turned.
Minute by minute, more adherents of the party came to the meeting place. At least 80 attended the founding of the party branch, so that soon the police had to wonder why they had to protect so many adults from a clot of stupid children. The security forces were there, however, because of the experiences of the previous days.
Inside, there was something taking place that has not been seen in leftist extremist circles in a long time — democracy. In his welcoming speech, René Stadtkewitz announced that he was proud so many members had appeared for the founding despite the threat of violent extremists. He added that he was “incredibly grateful for those who are standing at my side and representing the goals of our party.”
Robert Spencer, too, expressed his respect and admiration for the courage of those who were standing up for FREIHEIT, ultimately defending the values which make the West the “best culture on earth”: human rights like freedom of religion, equality of man and woman, which arose in the West and thus far are not to be found in vast parts of the Islamic world.
Thereupon, Marc Doll took the microphone and took on the rampaging leftist extremists. Everyone has the right, he said, to stand up for his opinion. But society cannot close its eyes to the terror and violence of a particular group which is attempting to achieve its political goals with the same methods once used by Hitler and his followers. He made it unmistakable: “Antifa? The are the fascists of today!”
What followed seemed to be routine. After the typical competition between “North Baden” and “South Baden” people which is typical of the state and proceeded in the spirit of good sportsmanship, the members elected their state chair — Joachim Raymann who at noon had already been beaten for his democratic attitude by the enemies of democracy. Michael Becker was elected his representative, Eva Kahlmann will be secretary, and Sandro Birko treasurer.
Finally a positive signal was sent from Stuttgart to the Republic: FREIHEIT is prepared to fight for Western values, even if it is painful at times. The new state chair had already been following Robert Spencer’s call to “Stand up for your rights!” even before he had voiced it. “Freedom for Palestine” is still a distant thing. Freedom in Baden-Württemberg on the other hand is now a reality. Fortunately the political-religion of unfreedom is not yet blocking freedom in the “Little Land” [nickname for Baden-Württemberg]. Sooner or later, many an Antifa may also learn that personally.
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